Why you might have lost all your Jewish friends this week and didn’t even know it.

I do not want to be writing this article. I’ve been waiting for someone else to write it. But, nobody else has, and somebody needs to say this.

You might have lost every last one of your Jewish friends this week, and you have no idea why. Please be patient with me as I try to explain. I’m going to be explaining things that are totally foreign to you. I didn’t even know I felt and thought this way until a couple of days ago myself.

When you are Jewish, you are always aware that there is a large population in the world that wants to kill you.

Even if they aren’t trying now, you read history and you see that every few generations, at the very least, some group tries to kill all or at least a lot of Jewish people.

We may like your posts that say “never again,” but we never fully believe it.

On Saturday, October 7th, we were reminded that we were right not to.

More Jews died in one day than any day since the Holocaust. And the reality is that while we felt shock, we didn’t necessarily feel surprise.

When my sisters were quite young, they used to play “hiding from the Nazis.” This wasn’t hide and seek; they would just pick a place to hide, under a couch, behind a freezer, and just lie still for hours. Once, they hid in our van for way too long, and my parents couldn’t find them, and they got in a lot of trouble.

They were genuinely “playing”; it was truly a game to them. But it’s just to hammer home the point that Jewish children grow up with the Holocaust being a part of our history and an intrinsic understanding that at some point, we may need to hide again.

Over the past few years, as the world in general has just gotten crazier than ever, it has become popular to post things like “If you think you would have been one of the ones who hid Jews in WWII but are afraid of speaking up about _____, you wouldn’t have been.”

It’s honestly a generally fair assessment because if you aren’t the kind of person who can handle criticism for a non-conventional belief of any sort, you surely aren’t the kind of person who would risk the Gestapo knocking on your door for hiding people. I’ve seen so many posts like this over the past 2 years.

But… here is what your Jewish friends are wondering right now. So, why didn’t you post… this time?

And that’s not an accusatory, WHY DIDN’T YOU POST!? It’s a genuine question. Because they need to know the answer.

Maybe you didn’t post something because you are ignorant about what took place.

Maybe you didn’t say something to your Jewish friends because you truly don’t understand that they consider every slaughtered baby, raped girl, and murdered man to be their own family.

Maybe you are so horrified by it all that you truly don’t know what words to say.

Maybe you are still wondering what to say.

Well, it breaks my heart to tell you what your Jewish friends are wondering.

They are wondering if you are safe.

They are seeing many others cave to the propaganda, the vitriol from the Hamas apologists; they are seeing the pro-Hamas protests and the threats to the world, and they are wondering if you are too afraid to speak.

And they know that if you are too afraid to speak, then you would be too afraid to hide them.

Did you know that that is a category of friend that every Jewish person has in their mind? Who would I run to? Who would hide me?

We don’t wonder if; we wonder when. Because we know that whether it is indeed us, or whether it is our brothers and sisters in Israel, or in France, or in Pittsburgh, it will happen again somewhere.

It wasn’t until this last weekend that I realized that I have lived my whole life treating the world as guilty until proven innocent. That until you are proven safe to me, I hold you in mild suspicion. I didn’t even realize that I’ve always done this.

When an Arabic barber is trimming my beard with a sharp blade and comments on my complexion and says “are you Arabic?” I don’t answer truthfully. I say that my grandfather was from Lithuania. (He was; it’s not a lie, it’s just not the truth.)

When a stranger says “what is your family background,” I almost always change the subject.

Dear friends who may feel this blog is written to you. I am not saying I fear you or that I don’t love you. I’m just trying to let you know that unless you have proven that you will stand with me, I will not run to your home if they come for me and my family.

I am also not saying that silence is support. I do not believe that everyone who hasn’t posted support for the Jewish people and for Israel is complicit. But… I am not totally sure if you are safe. And none of your other Jewish friends are sure either.

I’m sure this offends you. How unfair to fail an audition you didn’t know you were having.

And yes, it is unfair.

But I’m sorry to say your Jewish friends aren’t wondering about fairness right now. They are only wondering about safety.

This post might seem angry; I’m not. I’m just sad. Sad for everything that has happened, sad for the friends I’ve heard from who haven’t heard from a single non-Jewish friend with a message of love and support.

But here’s the other thing: it just takes one. One message, one post. The greatest soothing to my soul this past week has been seeing friends and old colleagues post notes of support. It truly means the world. It’s not too late.

But consider this carefully, because it is not a game. If you read this and choose to reach out, choose to take a stand publicly. Choose to put your own reputation on the line and maybe even take some of the hatred toward the Jewish people and Israel for yourself. If you do this, we may believe you.

Do not take this lightly. The history of the Jewish people is not a light one. But it is filled with joy. Our victories have always risen above our tragedies. It is a history of suffering but overcoming suffering.

And throughout history, there have always been those who stand with us. From the Egyptians who joined the Israelites, following the pillar of fire and pillar of cloud, to the hundreds of thousands of gentiles who put their lives on the line to hide Jews in Europe during the Second World War.

There is a song we like to sing: Am Y’Israel Chai. “The people of Israel live.”

We always will. Many have tried to wipe us out. And yet we live.

I started this article explaining our pain, but I end it with a simple invitation to join us in our life. It means the world when you do.

233 thoughts on “Why you might have lost all your Jewish friends this week and didn’t even know it.

  1. Wisdom Hunter October 14, 2023 / 7:56 am


    Your blog spoke powerfully to me. My Dad was involved in the Dutch resistance in World War 2, among other things, helping Jews escape from Europe. So I had to examine my own heart as to why I have been quiet on social media this week. I have mostly been praying. Words can be so inflammatory. My heart is heavy for your people. As a Gentile Christian I know I owe a debt of thanks to centuries of Jews who preserved the Scriptures. I know I belong to a Jewish Messiah.

    I have also been praying for the people of Gaza, caught up in the inevitable backlash to the murderous rage of their Hamas overlords.

    Thank you for sharing this part of your family’s story.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Lisa R. Howeler October 15, 2023 / 12:45 pm

      Nicely put, especially the part about Gaza as I’ve been having a hard time praying for them this week — as awful as that sounds.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Wisdom Hunter October 15, 2023 / 2:38 pm

        As I see it, the people of Gaza are just like lost people anywhere. So I need to pray for them to see Yeshua as He is, and surrender their lives to Him. The murderous ideology of Hamas is the problem. It’s demonic. So I am praying for strongholds to be broken, and for captives to be set free from spiritual blindness (pride, hatred, rage). But I am also praying for the forces of Israel to be supernaturally guided and protected, and for Israel’s leaders to humble themselves and surrender to the wisdom of God. And other things besides. Mercy, mercy, mercy. We are so in need of mercy.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Lisa R. Howeler October 16, 2023 / 12:32 am

        I will pray along with you in the same way. Amen.


      • Jacs October 18, 2023 / 11:02 am

        You having a hard time praying for oppressed people? That’s very unfortunate. It’s helpful to see these comments to put things in perspective for me. Thank you.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Lisa R. Howeler October 18, 2023 / 11:19 pm

        Not for oppressed people. For the people who teach their children to hate Jews and then rejoice when they are slaughtered. Have a nice day.

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      • Lisa R. Howeler October 18, 2023 / 11:23 pm

        Clarification: I am NOT having trouble praying for the oppressed people in Palestine who are oppressed by Hamas who doesn’t care about them but about spilling the blood of Jews. I am having trouble praying for the people who scream their hatred at Jews, but even they deserve prayer.

        Liked by 2 people

    • Felicia Kohn October 16, 2023 / 4:23 am

      Thank you for writing and publishing this article. I have shared it with numerous people. It said things I was thinking but could not say.

      Liked by 3 people

    • Daniel Feldman October 16, 2023 / 8:30 am

      This article describes accurately how I feel about Jews who voted for Donald Trump.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Russ Fine October 16, 2023 / 11:08 pm

        Mr Feldman: I regret that I do not understand your post. In all sincerity, I wish to do so. My email address is I ask, respectfully, that you consider trying to find time to respond to me for the purpose of explaining that which you said. I accept responsibility for being too ignorant to “get it.” Kind Regards,
        Russ Fine

        Liked by 1 person

      • Harry Bloch October 17, 2023 / 10:38 am

        You should be glad there is a Trump on the side of America. You seem to be listening to too much of the crappy “news” network. I think the likes of Schumer and others give Jews a bad name. Anyone who voted for Obama/Biden and Biden/Harris are complicit in the state of the country today and the world collapsing in front of our eyes.

        Liked by 1 person

      • LauriethePoet October 18, 2023 / 8:57 am

        Trump encourages antisemitism because he is a white supremacist himself. Any Jewish person who thinks Trump is sadly mistaken. Trump is the one endorsed by the Klan in 2016.

        Liked by 3 people

      • LauriethePoet October 18, 2023 / 8:59 am

        *any Jewish person who thinks Trump has our back, is sadly mistaken* and we must vote vote vote to make sure 91 times indicted criminal Trump is NEVER elected.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Andrea S Rapp October 17, 2023 / 4:41 pm

        Harry Bloch you don’t get to tell us that any Jew gives Jews a ‘bad name’. And no, we aren’t ‘lucky’ to ‘have’ Trump. You are disgusting

        Liked by 4 people

      • Adam November 3, 2023 / 12:20 am

        Why are you making this political? To suggest that the people who feel emboldened by Trump are the ones causing our current anguish is exactly the type of distraction that Ilhan Omar & Rashida Tlaib will thank you for. Those who (rightfully) fear antisemites don’t have the luxury of bashing one political side over the other

        Liked by 1 person

    • Julia October 16, 2023 / 8:51 pm

      I am not Jewish but I grew up in the Jewish community. Words cannot express the frustration and horror I felt as the week progressed and I saw the pro Palestine protests and pro Palestine social media posts but no one was condemning Hamas. No one expressed grief or outrage for the Israelis. I know there are people who hate Jews and will never recognize their right to exist, but I was ignorant at how pervasive antisemitism is. I spent several days doing a deep dive into the history. Then I decided I had to post an Israeli flag to signal to my Jewish friends that I’m with them. I’m buying a chai “life” pendant to wear as well. I am agnostic but I won’t stand silent as so many people in my life suffer this atrocity.

      Liked by 3 people

      • rory winston October 16, 2023 / 10:09 pm

        Thanks Julia. I’m Jewish myself but it was never about the religion for me just a particular cultural and hisory, and a long line of survivors as well as many who perished in the holocaust. Your words mean the world to me and many I know.

        Liked by 2 people

    • Arkady Massen M.D. October 17, 2023 / 12:26 am

      Too bad. In my old country we hide our identity due to overwhelming antisemitism.
      It seems time come to USA Jews to make decision – bury head in a sand or proudly and bravely stay strong!

      Liked by 2 people

    • Ray October 17, 2023 / 1:43 am

      Thank you for this article. It’s hurts me too see so many people back a terrorist organization that even the people of its country condemn. This isn’t pro-Palestine or pro-Israel to me. It’s pro killing Jews.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Wendy M. October 18, 2023 / 2:53 pm

        You have uncovered the true motivation of these “freedom “ fighters.They only endorse Freedom to condemn everyone but their fanatics.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Controlxoxo October 17, 2023 / 8:29 pm

      The terrible irony of your comment drowning in religion; when this whole mess comes from divine right on both sides. Until we put away childish toys like the worship of ancient texts — the world will be plagued by death cults like Hamas.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Kelly Courtney October 18, 2023 / 1:11 am

      I am not of Jewish decent, but my children are half Jewish. I will not only hide you, I will stand in front of anyone that would want to hurt any Jewish person Friend or acquaintance. I am sickened by both the horror of Hamas’s attacks and the antisemitism polluting the schools and streets and news. It is deplorable. Have we not learned anything from the Holocaust? Are we that stupid that we would have history repeating itself? I am not afraid to stand up for Israel or the Jewish people.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Gad Yair October 18, 2023 / 8:03 pm

      I recorded a similar take re: American University Presidents and leaders of academic societies. Here it is. Prof. Gad Yair, Israel

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Wisdom Hunter October 14, 2023 / 8:54 am

    I have to add that while words can be inflammatory, they can also be “just right”. For me, at least, your blog was what I needed to hear. I have no desire to add to the avalanche of commentary on these tragic events but I also cannot let my love for Israel be invisible. If it’s invisible then it’s meaningless. Praying.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Margreet Krikowski October 15, 2023 / 6:25 am

    Hi Josh, don’t ask me how I stumbled across your blog. After the Shoa the Hamas massacres of 10/7 – like 9/11 – are a human catastrophy, another breach in humanity. But on top 10/7 poses to all non-jews the “Gretchen” question. On which side do I stand? Do I stand with the jews, with Israel or not. Every Single one is asked to take sides, no equal distance, both sides taking possible. 10/7 ripped a veil away in Europe. We have to admit our “never again” is happening again. And Germany, Europe has not truly understand what happened in Be’eri, Kfar Aza, Re’im. We are now seeing Videos from the Shoa, from the Nazi Einsatztruppen, from ISIS. This time it are Muslim Nazis shouting their Version of Sieg Heil. Jewish safety and well-being was not in the Center of european thinking and acting. I hope this makes sense to you. My head is in turmoil. I’m shocked by what happened in Israel and I’m even more shocked about Germany’s and Europe’s totalen inadequate reactions. Am Israel Chai. And take good care. Regards from Berlin, Margreet Krikowski

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Jill Sevelow October 15, 2023 / 11:54 am

    Josh- thank you. There’s so many levels of trauma going on inside of me – and millions of others – that it’s difficult to discern what is what….but this struck a chord, and you actually helped differentiate some things in my heart and soul.

    I do not think I will post this to Facebook, because I don’t want the rush of “oops, sorry” from people heard nothing from. The disconnect has already happened.

    Sending you love and light, and friendship from Chicago.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. sjsobol October 15, 2023 / 4:23 pm

    Speaking as an American Jew who is very worried about the rise of fascism in this country:

    If it’s a choice between me staying silent, and my kids not being harmed or killed, and me speaking up, guess what my choice is going to be?

    I’m not putting my children at risk just so I can pass some random blogger’s purity test.

    And whether or not the assessment of whether I’d have sheltered people from the Third Reich is accurate – and how accurate can it be, given that the author has no way of knowing how most people alive now would have reacted in that situation – it’s an incredibly judgmental trope that does nothing to actually push us forward towards the end of this horrible nightmare.

    This post is disgusting.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Mundorff October 15, 2023 / 5:06 pm

      I’m sorry you feel this post is disgusting. He merely asked a question. And many of his other points were thoughtful and provocative, but to label, “it,” disgusting?

      Liked by 5 people

      • sjsobol October 15, 2023 / 5:33 pm

        You’re welcome to your opinion, of course.

        The question of whether someone would have acted in a certain way 80 years ago is pointless. Why would you ask the question? It IS judgmental, for absolutely no good reason. Silence does not mean you are OK with what’s happening.

        I’m certainly not OK with the Hamas attack, which was horrific, but since my views don’t EXACTLY align 100% with the mainstream, I’ll get slammed to hell and back. I’m not pro- or anti-Israel, I’m not pro- or anti-Palestine, I’m simply in favor of the war ending before more innocent bystanders die.

        I can say more, but the other things I’d say are not really on-topic for this conversation. I’ll just point out that denigrating someone because they have not spoken out is obnoxious. And yes, I have a HUGE problem with this post.

        Gatekeeping is never OK, and that’s exactly what the author’s doing.


    • David October 15, 2023 / 7:42 pm

      Your reading comprehension is beneath contempt. This isn’t written for Jews. This is about gentiles.

      But you can cling to your cowardice and imagine it will protect you.

      It won’t.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Scott October 16, 2023 / 11:59 am

      I suppose you’d see it just as disgusting if one were to imagine you’d have been a willing Kapo.
      Nonetheless my bet is that you would have been. I don’t find your post repugnant, but the underlying cowardice is disturbing to me. Not only would I not run to your house, I would be foolish to allow you into mine.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Amy Kats October 16, 2023 / 2:56 pm

      I’m sorry so many people have replied harshly to this comment. Your feelings are so valid, and no American Jew (or any Jew) should feel obliged to speak out or put themselves at more risk for any reason. This article is our failing as gentiles in not condemning the antisemitism that makes you feel unsafe.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Tiberius October 16, 2023 / 7:20 pm

      I’m an American Jew too. I understand your feelings, but at what point did he challenge you to post anything? At what point did he ask you to shelter him? He didn’t. He’s not even talking to you, and yet he warned you, you might be uncomfortable with his thoughts. He simply asked you to ask yourself some questions, and again, he’s speaking to the virtue signalers that love to pretend how involved they are… In thoughts. The ones that posted similar statements to what he mentioned, and he’s pondering the concept of who is “really there” for whom? Maybe reconsider your reaction?

      Liked by 3 people

    • Ed Greene October 16, 2023 / 7:42 pm

      I think this article is the sum total of at least 2000 years of antisemitism. I certainly believe you should protect your children but do it in daylight. Educate them and make them proud to share our heritage.

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    • jonathanjg2 October 17, 2023 / 1:05 am

      “Gatekeeping is never OK, and that’s exactly what the author’s doing.” and “incredibly judgmental trope”

      It’s hard to write this reply, but you’re simply not getting the point of this post if you can write something like the above.

      People were murdered in deliberately cruel ways. Parents were murdered in front of their children. Children have been murdered.

      This is not about some silly internet gatekeeping crap at all.

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    • hnw54 October 17, 2023 / 6:12 am

      When the jihadis come for the secular American Jews, you will see things differently. You will hope to God that someone values the lives of innocent people – you and your family – enough to protect you, even if they risk suffering for it.

      The jihadis already gave you fair warning – most recently last Friday in NYC Times Square. So you won’t have long to wait.

      We in Israel will still be here by God’s grace. And we will keep the aliyah door open for as long as possible, in case by a miracle you and your children get out of there in one piece.

      Liked by 2 people

    • meflip October 17, 2023 / 11:20 am

      I don’t think it’s disgusting, I believe it’s meant to make you think. If you were in a position to help someone in danger, would you? Or close the door in their face? If you don’t stand against evil, eventually it will come for you and your family.

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    • Kelly Courtney October 18, 2023 / 1:24 am

      I understand and probably would not speak to save my family. I remember watching movies in high school about the Holocaust and crying and thinking how could this happen. I thought this would never happen again. Yet, here we are. I swore then that if “God forbid” anything like that happens again I would be strong enough and brave enough to not only denounce it but give those the safety and protection of whatever I could even if it puts me in harms way. I still stand by that. So yes, be silent because there are others like me who will speak for you. Protect your family however you need to.

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    • pam0626 October 18, 2023 / 10:45 pm

      I would not go so far as to say this post is disgusting, but I find it bizarre. Social media is not reality; it is a branding exercise where we present the most perfect version of ourselves. To gauge a person’s courage based on their social media activity or lack thereof is shallow and vacuous. If that’s your yardstick, you will no doubt feel alone. Josh, perhaps it would be prudent to step away from your screen and engage in some genuine face time, no pun intended.


  6. angelamoore2013 October 15, 2023 / 4:48 pm

    Thank you for articulating what I have been feeling this week, Josh. I have Gentile friends who have supported me in messages or even simple Likes on my posts. There are others whose total absence from the situation whilst posting daily about other matters and, often, trivia, spoke volumes. It’s important to know who will stand for us.

    Liked by 4 people

  7. Rivkah October 15, 2023 / 7:27 pm


    As a child, I was told Jews don’t solicit converts because there was a time when converts to Judaism would be killed, and an ethical Jew shouldn’t encourage others to put themselves in danger (whoever saves a single life. . .). I’ve never even considered putting my friends through some “loyalty test” by secretly requiring them to convince me they would risk their lives for me – if it came to that, as an ethical Jew, how could I even ask them to do such a thing? And if I would, am I a true friend to *them*? It’s an unrealistically high bar, and *not* how *this* Jew (or most Jews I know) evaluates my friends.

    And wanting to know why your friends *haven’t* posted support for your position on Israel is equally over the top. Certainly there are cases where silence has significant implications, but this simply isn’t one of them. And hard as this is to hear, they may not care – the world is full of horrors and even the most open-hearted of us cannot function and care about all of them. Just like most of the U.S. is happily ignoring the earthquakes in Afghanistan, floods in Somalia, or Australia voting (again) to refuse to increase representation of indigenous peoples after centuries of abuse, their minds may simply be elsewhere. Israel is important to me, and it’s obviously important to you, but that doesn’t mean it must be the center of everyone’s life, and it doesn’t mean you have to right to expect it to be.

    Cut your friends some slack and maybe consider some introspection on what friendship means to you. And please don’t claim to speak for “every Jewish person” when you clearly don’t.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wisdom Hunter October 15, 2023 / 9:15 pm

      Speaking as one of Josh’s Gentile friends (not an especially close friend, but still) … I didn’t find the tone of Josh’s post to be judgemental, even though it pricked me and caused me to reflect on how my silence on social media might be interpreted by my Jewish friends. I read his post as a personal reflection, not as an attack. I thought Josh was being quite vulnerable.

      Having said that – we all need to be reminded that “It’s not all about us”. Some people just don’t post that much on social media ( I post much less than I used to, because I find posts on controversial issues are often unproductive ), so it might be a mistake for one of my Jewish friends to assume that I don’t care about what is happening in Israel because I haven’t said anything on social media. But I’m not offended. I don’t really think I have the right to be. If anything, Josh’s post gave me some valuable insight into what it’s like to be Jewish. For that, I’m grateful.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Amy Kats October 16, 2023 / 2:59 pm

        Yes, very much this, thank you for your additional insights (and to Josh for the blog, obviously). As a gentile I’ve been struggling very similarly, but nothing compared to the struggle of my Jewish spouse and loved ones who’ve been struggling like Josh has and unable to articulate what Josh has so kindly spent heartfelt effort to do here.
        Josh, thank you very much on both our behalf for this Mitzvah.

        Liked by 2 people

    • Tiberius October 16, 2023 / 7:33 pm

      He sure as hell didn’t claim to speak for all Jews, and he did not in any way suggest you should put any of your friends to a litmus test of any kind. The article title tells you whom he is speaking to. He’s also allowed to ponder where he might go and who he might “actually” trust should it come to aige threatening emergency from an attacking group. Why did you allow yourself to take this so personally? It’s a thought piece written for people to consider whether or not they’ve demonstrated support on social media or otherwise for their Jewish friends. He’s also insinuating that virtue signaling is meaningless, and on this I agree as well. What anyone claims of personal thoughts and/or actions in their social media is often nothing more than virtue signaling. Actions go far beyond words. If you’re confident in your actions in your real life, do not let posts that ponder a thought you find uncomfortable to bother you

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      • Rivkah October 17, 2023 / 11:02 pm


        “Did you know that that is a category of friend that **every** Jewish person has in their mind?” [emphasis mine].

        I made no statement as to what he was or wasn’t allowed to ponder, merely that I (like most Jews I know) don’t evaluate friends on whether they would risk their lives to hide me from the Nazi’s or their equivalent and that I thought that was an unrealistic expectation. So unrealistic, in fact, that I also suggested he consider what friendship means to him, because I find the idea of determining if “friend” to risk their life for you somewhat outside the usual definitions.

        And since he does claim “every” Jewish person thinks the same as him, I respectfully requested that he not claim to speak for all of us – because there are Jews who *don’t* agree with his worldview or understanding of friendship.

        Is this where I get to ask you why you took my response so personally? I heard somewhere that “If you’re confident in your actions in your real life, do not let posts that ponder a thought you find uncomfortable to bother you”


    • Reb135 October 17, 2023 / 5:36 am

      Natural disasters are not the same as massacres.

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      • hnw54 October 17, 2023 / 6:31 am


        And voting against increasing the rights of indigenous peoples is a far cry from tying up 40 young children and slaughtering them like sheep, or burning them alive… and then posting selfies of the deeds to social media.

        Or ripping open a pregnant woman, pulling out her baby, and then dragging both corpses through the streets (still attached by the umbilical cord !!!), while bystanders kick them and spit on them and curse their people-group.

        People who can brush this off as ‘hey, bad stuff happens every day all over the world’ are better off staying silent altogether.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Rivkah October 17, 2023 / 11:22 pm

        Yeah . . . not at all what I saying. All I was saying is that it’s possible that there are people in the world to whom the conflict in Israel isn’t a priority. I’m not saying that floods in Somalia are “the same,” but if my house were underwater, I think I would be more interested in where I was going to live than the details (no matter how horrific) of a war in another country.

        And HNW54 (sorry I cannot reply to you directly – perhaps because you replied to Reb135 instead of me), let’s not play the “who has it worst game,” please – even the “winners” lose at that one. I never said the conflict wasn’t horrific, just that it was unreasonable to expect it to be at the center of *everyone’s* world.

        Also, you may want to try locate independent corroborating stories about the news you’re getting out of Israel – this conflict has been marked by a tsunami of fake news. The verified stories are already so awful, there’s no need to share unverified stories to make it even worse.


    • Lesleykluchin October 26, 2023 / 9:46 pm

      The silence to me is what hurts the most. It has shown me who is and who isn’t a friend. So many have messaged or called and asked if I’m ok because they understand how much pain I’m in over the horrors done by Hamas. But there a few who have not only ignored the situation but have distanced themselves from all their Jewish friends. People I taught side by side with for years. They don’t have to post anything. But to not even privately message me and ask if I’m ok? Two words… you okay? Or love you. So yeah, I’m very hurt. I’ve been fighting ovarian cancer for the last four years. The fact that I’m still alive is a miracle. I blog about my journey in hopes of encouraging women, especially age 50, to get checked twice a year. I’ve been active in helping others in my community for my entire life. Yet, the silence of supposed friends is a testament to their hidden antisemitism in my opinion. A dear friend has two sons in Israel and she has grandchildren there. The first thing I did was call and check if her sons and grandchildren were ok. When a friend of any faith posts they are sick I check in to see if they need anything. Many friends Jewish and non Jewish have been kind and supportive. But there are others who I was close to who have not only remained silent… they have abandoned all their Jewish friends. I have not unfriended anyone yet but I will never respond or rekindle their friendship ever again. I see their true colors. And just Because they take happy pictures and pretend they are good kind people with values means nothing if they don’t live a life with a moral compass. All the smiling selfies in the world about being kind is bull. You do not desert friends when they are hurting. They post what they are having for dinner but they can’t message a Jewish friend and ask if we are ok? If our Israeli relatives are ok? Their True colors came out that’s for sure. They were false friends apparently. I fought for equality and freedom going to college in the late 1960’s. I have always stood up for what was right. But apparently I was naive. Deep down my mom was right. And I thought she was over reacting because she lived during WWII, when she said that in the end being Jewish will show you the true character of another person. Because when push comes to shove, some will turn their backs on you. I’m 74 now. It took this long to realize that she was actually right. It was great when i protested for every other group. But few have supported me when my people needed support. I’m hurt, disappointed, and angry that I was fooled into not believing that so many people hated the Jews.


  8. Ellen CaldwellEllen Caldwell October 15, 2023 / 7:31 pm

    Josh, this is so powerful and true. And how i have been feeling increasingly as anti semitism continues to rise! Thank you for so eloquently saying what I have been feeling!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Helias October 15, 2023 / 9:31 pm

    The world feels for you, but then you ignore the other part of the war happening, where they are don’t even make the slightest mention of innocent children dying every hour in Gaza, and that’s why we keep our mouths shut.

    The problem is the predictability in this all. Once the awful events took place on Saturday, we knew Israel would respond with force. We knew thousands of innocent people would die in an attempt to eradicate Hamas. And we knew the VAST majority of our Jewish friends would say absolutely nothing. And I’m sad to say, it’s true.

    You can’t just preach safety for one group. We are all humans.

    Liked by 1 person

    • hnw54 October 17, 2023 / 6:55 am

      How strange that the cold-hearted child abuse going on in Gaza for decades has had only two human-rights groups protesting: Gazans and Israelis.

      Where were the global humanitarian concerns in 2012, when Hamas admitted to at least 160 Gazan children dying from “work accidents” while being forced to dig their smuggling tunnels?

      Where was the free world all the times that Hamas terrorists shot missiles next to UNRWA schools and used Gazan children as human shields? Or when 1 out of 4 of those missiles fell short, killing Gazan families in their homes?

      The UN Human Rights Council received a full report of all this in 2014… and looked away.
      So a decade or more later, here we are. Again.

      Only during Israeli reprisals do the humanitarians of the world remember the children of Gaza.

      Liked by 2 people

  10. Ellen October 15, 2023 / 10:53 pm

    Reading this post reminded me of the incredible story by Nathan Englander, “What we talk about when we talk about Anne Frank.” An absolute tour-de-force of two Jewish couples, one Israeli and one American, making their way through a long, wasted afternoon just like the couples in Carver’s story but talking about being Jewish past and present. If you are a Jew, this story touches something deep. If you’re not Jewish, it can help explain how your Jewish friends are feeling https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2011/12/12/what-we-talk-about-when-we-talk-about-anne-frank

    Liked by 2 people

    • Jodi Wojcik October 16, 2023 / 3:02 am

      I saw the play in La Jolla, CA last year. It was wonderful but at the same time, I wondered, if non-Jews in the audience would understand all the subtleties and references.

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  11. Rachael Braudy October 15, 2023 / 11:16 pm

    I love this! But to be honest, as a Jewish American, if people are unaware of the situation or don’t know what to say, I’d rather they didn’t post. I’ve seen a lot of propaganda friends are posting without understanding what it means.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Kelly Courtney October 18, 2023 / 1:47 am

      Please don’t be condescending to us non-Jews. We may not get the depth of your discussions. But we get what antisemitism and Hamas is and the horrors that have happened and are happening to the Jewish People. I for one will not be silent on this issue of racism and pure hate. I understand that we non-Jews must stand up now and not only speak out but protect all the Jews from the brutality of what is occurring. I pray for Israel to remove Hamas from this world and pray that Israel and all the Jewish people can live a life of safety and security. That is my wish. I will stand by all the Jewish People.

      Liked by 3 people

  12. Miriam Vitale October 15, 2023 / 11:37 pm

    I am a child of survivors, having heard stories all my youth about how the Nazis pulled people out of their homes, rounded them up and carted them off to their deaths… at night, alone in my bed I used to lie awake wondering who would hide me. Your post touched a nerve for me… I really never figured out who would do that for me, but my mother’s family learned after the war, the people of a small village in the north of Italy did, and they knew my family was Jewish! …despite the fact they attended catholic mass pretending to be Catholics.

    So I have developed a very strong backing for Israel and often post comments online telling historic truths about Israel 🇮🇱… I stand with Israel b/c they need us, b/c that will always be the safest harbor than anyplace else. When I’ve gone and returned to/from Israel it’s not uncommon for people to ask me, ‘aren’t you afraid’? or ‘is it dangerous’? I have always answered the same, Israel is the safest place to go, there’s military everywhere you go.
    …maybe not this week, I am terribly worried about my family and friends there right now and pray for this to end, with as minimal as possible civilian death in Gaza and minimum casualty of all Israelis. Hamas must be dismantled…. the world may judge us/Israel, but deep down they will thank us for removing barbaric terrorists.
    Thank you for your thought provoking post.

    Liked by 3 people

  13. SDK October 16, 2023 / 1:32 am

    Before I was a parent, I often imagined that I would someday act heroically and save someone the way people saved Jews. After I had children, I understood that risking your own children’s lives to save another child’s life is simply not a test anyone should be asked to pass. Our job in human society is to ensure that people are not given such tests. The average person is not heroic nor are they willing to risk the lives of those they love most – even for a noble cause. It’s not fair to judge any society by how willing they are to sacrifice their children.

    The test of a society or any civilization is how well it protects most people from ever facing such challenges. Because if you rely on the average person to resist evil when their children’s lives are at stake, evil will definitely win. Our job is to build multiples fences – multiple safeguards – around democracy, human rights, protection of minorities, civil society. The world is not saved by heroic individual action. The world is saved by fair and functional bureaucracies that treat everyone with the same indifference. Bureaucracies make great societies but really boring movies.

    Like any good Ashkenazi Jew I also wonder who would save me, I also keep lists. Surprisingly the people most likely to save me are also the ones least likely to support the war against Hamas. They are peace activists who are so committed to non violence that they will not even support a just war. They would hide someone because they are completely uncompromising in their principles and willing to die for them.

    In other words, the friends who would hide me are not normal people. They are extraordinary people. Extraordinarily committed, extraordinarily inflexible, extraordinarily stubborn. They are wonderful but also annoying friends. As much as I value them for their insane commitments, I know that my ultimate safety lies not in their hands but in all of ours.

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    • Reggie Bilt October 23, 2023 / 4:57 pm

      What self-indulgent fetishizing. Ugh. This is why people don’t speak up. If you do you are automatically thrust into badly written Oscar-bait melodrama where no nuance is allowed. No questioning. No discussion. You’re told you don’t know your facts and must be anti-Semitic. Nothing is allowed but adhering to the approved talking points. It’s exhausting, and it makes it difficult to muster a generous reading. So you just stay silent, afraid of saying anything wrong.


      • SDK October 23, 2023 / 7:14 pm

        I think being afraid to speak up in what could be (without much effort) an anonymous blog comment is kind of the definition of self-indulgent. No one is holding a gun to your head and telling you not to speak up, so you are far more free than 95% of the world’s population in terms of expressing your opinion. If you have something to say, say it. And if people argue with you, you can take in their points or you can argue back. It is literally just words.

        If you choose to stay silent, that is 100% your choice. Own your fear.

        People are afraid of being called names. No one likes that experience. But it not actually oppression or suppression. It’s just uncomfortable. Learning new things, managing conflict – yes, that’s uncomfortable. That’s all it is. Most Americans (at least) can afford to become more uncomfortable and to hang in there for the sake of learning something new.


  14. Ela Guterman October 16, 2023 / 6:58 am

    Every single word echoes in my heart. I live in Lithuania, where people were never truly aware of what is going in the Middle East, plus the post-Soviet generation didn’t know much about the Shoa, in whitch their predecessors were heavily involved. And yes, only one friend called me to ask how I felt and another one was reacting to my FB posts. It is heart breaking to understand, that “Never again” was only a wishful thinking…

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Daria B. October 16, 2023 / 8:53 am

    This expresses my feelings so profoundly and artfully. I know who my close friends are now. I’m quite sorry to learn that I just had a few.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Sam Schellenberg October 16, 2023 / 9:07 am

    I don’t agree at all. I don’t expect my friends to post about every geo-political conflict happening across the globe when I don’t post stuff like that either. Nobody in my circles posted stuff about MeToo or BLM or Ukraine or anything like that so I wouldn’t expect them to do it for Palestine/Israel either. A lot of people keep their social media light-hearted.

    Otherwise everyone’s feed would literally just become a BBC newsroom update or something because there are terrible conflicts happening somewhere literally every single day

    Liked by 1 person

  17. The Other Bob October 16, 2023 / 9:11 am

    A good post, provoking a need for understanding, and an opportunity for misunderstanding. An old story, much repeated in poetry and song:

    There’s something happening here
    But what it is ain’t exactly clear
    There’s a man with a gun over there
    Telling me I got to beware

    Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong
    Young people speaking their minds
    Getting so much resistance from behind

    What a field day for the heat
    A thousand people in the street
    Singing songs and they carrying signs
    Mostly say, “Hooray for our side”

    Paranoia strikes deep
    Into your life it will creep
    It starts when you’re always afraid
    Step out of line, the men come and take you away

    Liked by 1 person

    • rory winston October 16, 2023 / 10:33 pm

      Wow was that comment off. I mean, Great song… Steven Stills of (Crosby Stlls etc.) who wrote it for Buffalo Springfield never could have imagined how badly his words would be coopted. His lyrics were brilliant social critique for the times and still valuable. But it wasn’t created as an exercise in both-sidedness but a critique of the establishment it was a part of. It was a wonderfully socially conscious song written in a Democratic country that’s able to criticize those in power waging war. I think it’s fair to criticize Israel and its government (especially from within by Israelis) but not when it’s fighting Hamas. Notice no such brilliant lyrics were written against the war the US had with Nazi Germany. There was no two sides for the simple reason that only one side allowed songs like this to be written that criticize their own society. Please find me a song from Gaza that is critical about Hamas. I can find you hundreds of songs written by Israeli artists critical of Israel. The lyrics are valid and always love reading them. The context seems odd when this was not an article in praise of Israel but an article reaching out by those a minority in a country simply hoping for some understanding as to how bad they feel and a sense that no one cares. Here’s the metaphor: Your friend says he’s hurt and wonders if you care. Your answer: I’m sure the person who hurt you is hurting as well. What a great comfort to know you use a moment of weakness to parade your own image as an objective person more than caring about those reaching out. Why not send these brilliant words of encouragement to Hamas and leave them your forwarding address if you dare. I’ve made a living writing (lyrics anong other things) and I never imagined words could so cavalierly be misused. Or sorry, yes, I did see it when Trump played songs on his campaign trail only to have every sane band come out and say “Please desist.”

      Liked by 2 people

      • Rachelle Green October 23, 2023 / 5:03 pm

        The song isn’t yours. It’s the listener. Stop shaming people for their attempts at understanding.

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      • Inner Musings October 28, 2023 / 12:14 pm

        Or maybe commenting those lyrics here was a way of saying that when there is turbulence in the world we tend to become paranoid, to choose sides, to judge each other even when it’s not the case. I don’t fear my Muslim, Jewish or Christian neighbors. Because I know my neighbors are safe to me. And to each other. But I know there are people with guns and a dangerous ideology who are dangerous to everybody. And right now there are people with guns on both sides who would not hesitate to kill each other and the innocent caught in between.


  18. Sharon October 16, 2023 / 9:55 am

    Your post resonated with me.. I can’t say I’ve been suspicious of my friends. I trust them deeply. But the Holocaust lives in the back of my mind and I have often had the exact same thoughts: “who could I run to?” A while ago, before Oct 7th, I wrote this poem:


    You are 16, he says, going on 17
    I’ll take care of you
    She places her trust in him
    her life in his hands

    And then she cries out in horror
    Like water escaping down a drain
    love recedes deep underground
    his eyes blank and Nazi-like

    I stare at my own green eyes in the mirror
    decades and only a blink of an eye later
    trying to peer into the well of my heart
    into the groundwater far below

    Am I kind out of genuine empathy
    Have I been building this bridge all along
    so that when they come I can run across
    into your arms and beg

    You won’t let them hurt me, will you?


  19. Gail Flaum October 16, 2023 / 10:19 am

    When I read this, whilst I wanted intellectually to disagree, your post particularly resonated with me emotionally and in fact validated and made me feel less ashamed about the hyperbolic anxiety I had felt over some of the silences of my non Jewish friends. I want to thank you for your words, for sharing them and for your gentle tone.

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  20. JJ October 16, 2023 / 12:18 pm

    The post assumes everyone in your sphere posts on FB. If you really believe in the cause, it would be like me shaming you for not getting on a plane and going over there to fight Hama.

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    • Reb135 October 17, 2023 / 5:44 am

      Not all can, but many with prior training are. The diaspora prevents us from all getting wiped out at once.

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    • Katy Boyask October 17, 2023 / 5:48 am

      Not all can, but many with prior training are. The diaspora prevents us from all getting wiped out at once.

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  21. Karmi Soder October 16, 2023 / 12:32 pm

    This is incredibly moving. Thank you for sharing. Loving a wonderful Jewish guy and living in Israel for four years, I continue to learn and was touched by your story. It brought tears to my eyes. 😢 Luckily a friend shared it and we don’t know each other yet I feel connected to you and your words. Sending support, love and strength today and everyday.
    A new non Jewish (but Israeli) friend 🇮🇱

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  22. Noel McLellan October 16, 2023 / 3:59 pm

    Anti-semitism has been on the rise in recent years, and it is so sad that Jewish people around the world must live with fear, as well as the inheritance of incredible trauma. My heart is broken for all of the Israeli victims of the attack on Oct 7. Still, since you’re invoking historical context, why not acknowledge that the attacks happened in response to decades of brutal oppression of innocent Palestinians by Israel? I’m not an apologist for Hamas, but here’s my question: would you hide Palestinians in the coming days when Israel bombs the living hell out of Gaza?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Shep October 16, 2023 / 6:41 pm

      Because you’re wrong. The attack happened because Hamas has one stated goal: to eradicate Jews and other non-Muslims from the earth. Read their charter. When they raped women and beheaded babies it had nothing to do with Palestinian oppression. You’re very naive.

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      • lhasang October 16, 2023 / 7:09 pm

        Shep, I don’t argue that Hamas is horrific, but I’m sure you know there are many examples of atrocities carried out against Palestinians by Israel. We could play horror olympics all day. Do you really think one side is simply good and the other evil? That’s what I call naive.

        Liked by 4 people

      • hnw54 October 17, 2023 / 7:33 am

        “Lhasang” wrote below (with no reply option):

        “I’m sure you know there are many examples of atrocities carried out against Palestinians by Israel.”

        I’ve seen this equivalence stated as indisputable fact, over and over… and OVER! But no details of those “examples” are ever given, never mind a link to source documentation.

        Still waiting for that incriminating selfie of a grinning IDF soldier holding up a Palestinian baby’s severed head. Or the video of the IDF jeep dragging a Palestinian corpse through Tel Aviv streets while the residents cheer and spit on it.

        I don’t know why so many people are spouting such slander, given that it originated with the Islamic butchers themselves. Does it soothe their conscience to think that “the Jews had it coming to them,” so they can remain neutral… and not draw Islamic wrath down on their heads?

        What then do such people say about the Muslim slaughter of millions of Christians going on right now in Africa and Asia? That “the Christians had it coming to them” there also?

        When the jihad comes to America, the same equivalence will be repeated by other who want to “be fair” (stay off Islam’s S-list). And you who are “neutral” now will remember this time.

        Repent while you still can.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Lhasang October 17, 2023 / 10:05 am

        for HNW54
        here’s one place to start: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2017/06/israel-occupation-50-years-of-dispossession/#:~:text=Since%20the%20occupation%20first%20began,them%20of%20their%20basic%20rights.

        I agree fully that the attack by Hamas was savage beyond belief, and again, I don’t condone it. My point is that Israeli occupation, the existence of Hamas, and the lives of non-Hamas Palestinians are all interconnected. Already over 1000 Palestinian children have been killed in Israel’s revenge attacks. Even if Hamas is evil, were those children evil? How is that just?

        Liked by 1 person

      • Archie Bohannon October 23, 2023 / 5:01 pm

        It’s open to interpretation, and your attempt at silencing this voice is deplorable. Only one right way to talk about the conflict, huh? Then people won’t talk.


      • Adam November 3, 2023 / 12:38 am

        Lhasang isn’t it pretty horrible that Hamas purposely uses human shields in order to juice the death count to get Amnesty International upset?

        The leader of Hamas literally said yesterday that it’s Israel’s and the UN’s responsibility to deal with the civilians. Instead of building them bomb shelters, they hide in their fancy tunnels and leave the peasants aboveground

        Forget historical context. No nation would not respond to such an atrocity and not fight to get its hostages back. Everything happening now is on Hamas for not returning the captives and not surrendering, especially because they boast about how they don’t care about their own civilian population


      • lhasang November 6, 2023 / 1:40 pm

        Adam, once again, I am not defending Hamas. I’m firmly against anyone who is killing civilians, which includes Hamas and Israel’s government.


    • Yankin October 17, 2023 / 12:27 pm

      All the arguments used to criticize Hamas as uniquely evil were used in the Westagainst the ANC in South Africa, against ZAPU and ZANU in Rhodesia, and against the FLN in Algeria with no less justification. But we now recognize those struggles —whose heroes seemed so barbaric to Western commenters at the time — as just struggles, and the victories of their bloody leaders as victories for human equality.

      In the West, we like to forget how bloody liberation struggles have always been, in order to portray anyone who resists subjugation as uniquely evil and pathological. The fact is, no one has clean hands in an insurgency — not the insurgents, and certainly not the state putting down the insurgency.

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  23. helashandproductions October 16, 2023 / 4:52 pm

    I haven’t seen a single “Pro-hamas” protest anywhere. Lots of pro-palestinian and anti-genocide ones, though. Most of the propaganda I see people falling for is the Israeli government’s propaganda, saying that israel has somehow “never been the aggressor” (a thing I just saw a friend of a friend argue), or that because palestine includes hamas, they all deserve to be wiped off the map.

    Israel is setting up for the worst humanitarian crisis in a long while. Ignoring that is not helpful for anyone.

    I’m not pro-hamas, i’m anti-genocide.

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    • M Attias October 16, 2023 / 11:37 pm

      And yet in that entire paragraph you never once mention the 900 Israelis massacred last Saturday. See? Their lives and horrific, brutal deaths — ATROCITIES — are justified by the world. You think they deserved it. The Palestinians voted for Hamas to represent them. Are there innocent people in Gaza? Yes. Are there Palestinians who do not align with Hamas, yet have no choices there? Yes. But the world does nothing to fix this, including Arab nations, and Israel has to bury babies without heads. If you are anti-Genocide then why not start by focusing on the group with a written charter to commit genocide against all Jews everywhere.

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      • helashandproductions October 17, 2023 / 9:53 am

        And this right here is the problem I have with a lot of the posts about this topic. You have bought into so much israeli propaganda that you genuinely believe that because I support freeing palestine from decades of imprisonment and suffering by Israel, and that i don’t think that israel’s current plan of genocide is a good thing, that I think the people deserved it who died in the horrific attack by Hamas. But that’s obviously not true if you’d just let your dogma and propagandized brain think for like two seconds. I’m jewish, too!

        i’m against people dying. It’s not complicated. Half of the people in Gaza are children, they didn’t vote for Hamas. Hell, even more than half didn’t vote for hamas, most of them weren’t of age to vote 17 years ago. If you are blaming children for hamas and saying *they* deserve to die (which is what you’re doing), then all you’re doing with this paragraph reply to me is projecting.

        you’re the one dehumanizing palestinians because you don’t consider them to be people who are worth keeping alive. You are siding with a genocidal fascist in Netanyahu. If *you’re* anti-genocide, why don’t you start with the group that funded hamas and set up the conditions to allow for radicalization of a number of Gazans they kept locked in an open-air prison for decades? Israel had so many chances to lift the apartheid and change conditions for the people they tortured, and yet they don’t because they do not consider Palestinians to be people. Stated beliefs of multiple Israeli ministers.

        The israeli PEOPLE don’t even agree with Netanyahu’s tactic. 4 out of 5 israeli’s blame HIM for Hamas’ attack, and they disagree with his methods since said methods are very clearly not going to be used to rescue their family members. Netanyahu is perfectly willing to kill those kidnapped people in his vendetta against Palestinians.

        I recommend not blindly supporting Israel as they set up to commit one of the worst atrocities in history. I recommend doing anything to get yourself to understand that this situation is much more than israel “defending itself against hamas”. They want to kill palestinians. That’s what they want to do. Listen to the israeli ministers in interviews. Their genocidal rhetoric isn’t being hidden.


      • Yankin October 17, 2023 / 3:59 pm

        If you think the Palestinians are bad for supporting Hamas, wait until you learn who the Israelis voted for! But of course, you extend Israelis the courtesy of being human individuals and not deserving collective punishment, a privilege which the Palestinians aren’t accorded.

        Are there innocent people in Gaza? Certainly no fewer than in Israel, and possibly quite a few more.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Inner Musings October 28, 2023 / 12:29 pm

        To Attias- If memory doesn’t fail me, the Israeli authorities eventually admitted their own fault in October 7th disaster. Had security been tighter, none of it would have happened. Not at this scale. That’s a first. A second would be, why hasn’t the Israeli government reached out IMMEDIATELY to Hamas to negotiate the freedom of those they kidnapped? They prefered to bomb Gaza to pieces knowing fully well that might endanger the hostages too. Thirdly, Gaza people voted for Hamas thinking they would be the “resistance” against occupation. Tell me, haven’t you ever voted, unbeknownst to you, for a bad guy masquerading as a good guy, and you’ve been terribly let down? Gaza citizens don’t have the freedom to protest freely and safely against Hamas. Protests in the past were ended brutally. Caught between Hamas, Israel blockade, and countries who don’t care for them…who do those people have left? Israel has to bury babies without heads ….and a thousand children are being buried in Gaza too. Blame it on both sides- Hamas and the Israel government. And there isn’t ONLY a written charter to kill non Muslims. Let me remind you there are people of all creeds living together in peace in the world. I will never not embrace both Muslims, Jews, Christians, whoever. Come in peace, and you’re safe with me. Period. All the hate from all sides is terribly destructive.


    • Adam November 3, 2023 / 12:44 am

      How’s Columbia treating you? Or is it CUNY? Both English (definition of genocide) and math (number of Palestinians alive) seem to evade the leftist playbook when the overwhelming urge to criticize Israel trumps all other truths

      ABC News just 9 days ago had a headline that Sudan is a humanitarian crisis of horrific proportions. The war in Gaza is ugly. Hamas should return the captives and surrender. They should also build bomb shelters for its people instead of tunnels just for themselves. Where were you when Hamas was brutalizing its citizens and own-goaling them with its rockets for 15 years before October 7th?

      I’m sure this plays well in your circles. Try to observe the rest of the world and obsess a little less about the Jews. When you go to a rally, try not to wear a mask while repeating chants to annihilate the Jews. Not a good look


      • helashandproductions November 3, 2023 / 9:56 am

        The definition of genocide directly lines up with what Israel is doing, but I know that gets in the way of the zionist project. Multiple holocaust scholars and international groups have specifically defined what Israel’s current project is as genocide. Would it hurt your fee-fees a bit less to call it ethnic cleansing? Because this semantic argument doesn’t matter when palenstinians civilians are being directly targeted for murder by the IDF.

        Also, I’m a jew, you moron. I’m just not a zionist, because zionism is a far-right nationalist movement of colonialism that has been horrific for the world.

        Hamas began as a charity, but was radicalized by years of occupation and horror perpetrated by the apartheid state of israel. The militant side of Hamas was even funded by Netanyahu’s government. Israel’s fascist government used Hamas’s attack as an excuse to begin a campaign of mass murder. Their bloodlust does not stop even if there are hostages in the way. Netanyahu’s government has killed more Israeli hostages than hamas has!

        There’s no symmetry in this situation. One side is able to cut off all supplies to the other on a whim, one side is funded by the richest country on earth, one side has nuclear weapons, one side has freedom of movement. and that one side is not the Palestinians. Gaza is a concentration camp lorded over by a fascist government and you’re sitting there pretended that this is fine because this time jews are doing it. it’s fucked up. Get some god damn compassion.


      • Adam November 3, 2023 / 11:02 am

        And you probably don’t believe me, but I do have compassion. But I also know that blaming Israel for Hamas’ preference for human shields and their own declaration two days ago that Israel & the UN are exclusively responsible for the safety of Palestinian civilians means that the Palestinian civilians can only have a more hopeful future if Hamas is neutralized. That’s the only hope, and if it can’t be realized Israel will continue to protect it’s citizens and borders as any other nation does

        The only way the status quo stops is when the pro-Hamas Westerners and forces of Islam have their way and something unimaginable, way worse than October 7th, happens to Israel. At that point it will be too late to stop blaming Israel for all the forces of evil working against it

        In terms of laying responsibility at Israel’s feet, we can at least agree that Bibi needs to go. But the success of a more moderate political coalition will cease if the rockets, bombings, stabbings, shootings, and car rammings don’t stop. Because Israelis deserve their own security and have way too much historical precedent to prove why they are suspicious that the Arabs, Palestinians, and Islamic Republic of Iran actually ever want to afford them that. This is something we apparently do not agree on


      • Adam November 3, 2023 / 10:50 am

        Congratulations on your asaJew status. Disagreement and differences of opinion within the Jewish community are a feature about why we are indeed more enlightened and tolerant than the enemy, including those who you naively label as genociders. Clearly you haven’t spent much time wondering if your bus is going to blow up or if you should sleep in your bomb shelter tonight. Armchair military policy-ing is always easy from the comforts of the West where our enemies reside not next door but on the other side of the globe. Assuming you’re American, I’m sure the natives will appreciate it when you return your home or apartment to them and apologize for being a colonizer

        Now that you have declared Zionism to be horrific for the world, you have shown your true colors that the wayward, stateless existence of millions of Holocaust survivors who spent years in refugee camps did in fact deserve no home and presumably eventual death. Returning them to Europe wasn’t an option. Conveniently, Israel wasn’t a random dart thrown on the map. There are indigenous land claims and then there are the different set of rules for Israelis, just as there are military rules of engagement and proportionality and then there are a different set of rules for Israelis responding to an atrocity they did not perpetrate

        UNWRA also started as a charity but is now best known for having textbooks that teach Gazan children to become terrorists and having school buildings that double as rocket launchers and tunnel egress for Hamas. Obviously that’s somehow Israel’s fault as we now look forward to a new era of the UNHRC being led by Iran as of yesterday

        If the Jews put down their weapons, the Jews of the Middle East will be annihilated. The ethnic cleansing of Jews from Iraq, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Syria, Iran, etc. is the playbook and requires zero imagination. Many Arab Christians, Assyrians, Bahai, etc. know this too well on a slightly less horrific scale

        At some point instead of blaming all Palestinian and Muslim excesses and evil on Israel, it would be thoughtful & sympathetic of you to wonder how it is that they can opt for being a death cult for 80+ years more obsessed with annihilating Israel & Jews and less concerned with how to raise decent citizens and build a real society (hence significant majority of money for Gaza going straight to Hamas instead of the people; I know, I know, somehow all Bibi’s fault). The settlers are beyond problematic but barely existed 25 years ago. After decades upon decades of having unwanted wars declared against oneself and a hostile population hellbent on annihilating them, it should be no wonder why Israeli extremists are a lot more problematic today than during times when peace was achievable if not for Yassir Arafat and his allegiances to terrorism. Allegiances that got him to lead a coup attempt in Jordan that surely you don’t blame the Jordanian’s for. Allegiances that the Palestinians remain true to while you and many useful idiots in the West continue to solely blame Israel for

        May your friends in BLM, HRW, and JVP not say horrible things to intimidate and dehumanize you while apologizing for Hamas and emboldening the new world order run by Iran, China, and Russia, all because of a strange obsession with the tiny Jewish state that has tried dozens and dozens of times to opt for peace & quiet. It won’t end well specifically for people like us but also all Westerners if more people don’t snap out of it

        Shabbat shalom & Am Yisrael Chai


      • helashandproductions November 3, 2023 / 10:55 am

        Pretending that Israel was created peacefully and that they have “tried dozens and dozens of times to opt for peace” is just direct historical revisionism.


      • Adam November 3, 2023 / 11:11 am

        America wasn’t created peacefully either. But here I am sitting in my home, free of rockets and atrocities that the Lenapes and Algonquins don’t subscribe to. If they did, I wouldn’t sit on my hands and tolerate a lecture from you. For all of America’s sins and the progress it is yet to make, treating all ~300M citizens with equal rights is a good start, just as Israel did with it’s now 2M Arab, Druze, etc. minorities that live within it’s pluralistic and tolerant society

        Israel opted for peace in 1947, the Palestinians and invading Arab armies said no thanks, we prefer to annihilate you, and lost. They tried many more times. Israel came into possession of Sinai, Gaza & the West Bank after they were once again about to try again in 1967. The Egyptians were happy to take back Sinai but didn’t want the Palestinians. No one does, but only the Jews get blamed for their conditions

        Wars have consequences, most of which Israel didn’t start. The invasion of Lebanon around the time I was born certainly didn’t go well, and yes did lead to the rise of Hezbollah, just as Israel owns some blame for feeding the evil beast of Hamas. Still, I can’t understand why you insist that none of these dark forces would exist if not for bad chess moves made by Israel. The hate and genocidal dreams of the Arabs, Palestinians, and Iranian proxies are not hidden, nor is what happened to all Jews of the Middle East after 1948 a one-time historical anomaly


      • helashandproductions November 3, 2023 / 11:15 am

        None of that is what happened in 1947, you’re just wrong about that. You do not know the history of the region, you only know israeli propaganda. The “human shields” rhetoric is all propaganda as well, it’s framing the situation in a particularly ridiculous way. Not to mention the obvious islamophobia you’re displaying in your replies, given that you used the phrase “the forces of islam”. You’re just a mouthpiece for fascists.

        and yes, America is bad too, we should give our land back to the native population. Think you’re gonna trip me up by saying that the US sucks too? After 9/11, we murdered millions of innocent people for absolutely no reason and destabilized and entire region of the planet.


      • Adam November 3, 2023 / 11:39 am

        That’s great man. I wish you well aligning with the “river to the sea” annihilate the Jews crowd while lecturing everyone about Islamophobia. They have no one but themselves to blame for the intimidation that they have inflicted upon entire peoples and cultures

        Thanks for the lecture on propaganda. I had no idea Hamas didn’t use human shields until just now. My mind is now freed


      • helashandproductions November 3, 2023 / 11:42 am

        The human shields rhetoric is used as an excuse to murder more Palestinians. “Oh, this refugee camp might have had an (unnamed) hamas leader in it, so we blew it up three times”. This shit happens constantly.

        here’s the long and short of it, Adam. You are defending the slaughter of children. Even worse, you seem to be reveling in the slaughter of children. I find that despicable. The fact that you don’t seem to understand what you’re doing is horrifying, and I find the state of the world to be particularly depressing at the moment due to people like you.


      • Adam November 3, 2023 / 11:57 am

        Calling out intimidating behavior is “reveling” in the death of innocent civilians? Your moral righteousness and holier than thou attitude only works in your echo chamber. Remind us again how you grieve over the atrocities of October 7th while aligning your worldview with people like Refaat in Gaza (check out his Twitter if you aren’t aware)

        War is ugly. It sucks. No child deserves to die. You should probably open your home to adopting one or sheltering the homeless migrants living in our country. There are many ways to act righteous instead of just display it. I’m glad you are equally judgmental of your life as an American without actually doing anything that you demand of the Israelis


      • helashandproductions November 3, 2023 / 12:01 pm

        Defending Israel’s genocidal actions against the Palestinians so loudly and angrily is reveling in the deaths of those people Israel murders. You say no child deserves to die, but support the IDF. You’re not calling for a ceasefire (like I am, and so many others are. the majority of americans, in fact), you’re calling for more murder. QED.

        And that last part is just a right wing talking point and straight up whataboutism. You can’t win the argument against me so you move the goalposts.


      • Adam November 3, 2023 / 12:12 pm

        A ceasefire leads to more October 7ths leads to more baby torture. This wouldn’t be a zero sum game if the pro-Palestinian movement were defined by a desire for peace & coexistence instead of annihilation. Ask the son of the founder of Hamas. It’s hard to believe, but he might actually know more than you

        Congrats on your self-declared victory harkening back to your high school debate days. Best of luck in your solidarity with groups of people that would happily rejoice in your beheading masquerading as resistance

        Those of us who support Israel’s right to self defense rejoice in none of the suffering, but we absolutely take offense to your double standards and obsession with Israel. Jewish or not, I encourage you and the self-declared humanitarians to look at the rest of the world with as much scrutiny as you do Israel. You might even gain an appreciation for the impossible choices that Israel has had to make over the years while you sat in cafes and declared your moral & intellectual superiority over those living in the real world


      • helashandproductions November 3, 2023 / 12:14 pm

        it’s not an impossible choice to stop doing apartheid.

        i’m done trying to get through to you, because you’re clearly so lost. i pray that you come to your senses.


      • Adam November 3, 2023 / 12:18 pm

        Amen brother. We’re all very impressed that you know THE WAY. Life would be better without a separation barrier in the West Bank. But then life would involve bus & cafe bombings for innocent Israelis who you wish to keep lecturing and dehumanizing. Life is full of difficult choices when there’s a gun to your head and a bomb on your kid’s bus. Not false choices


      • helashandproductions November 3, 2023 / 11:44 am

        Also before you come back at me again: I’m not aligning with Hamas. I’m aligning with the innocent Palestinians. You seem to think they’re one in the same, which is just incredibly untrue.


  24. Dances With Cats October 16, 2023 / 5:44 pm

    Thank you for writing this! I’m glad I can understand the impact of my silence so I can do better. I thought I was being silent because I was leaving the discussion to people who know more about the history of the Middle East and the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians than I do.

    I’ll admit I was also afraid of being accused of anti-Semitism if I were to make a comment that showed even a tiny bit of sympathy for the Palestinians. It’s happened to me before, so I was scared to get misinterpreted again. That’s no excuse, really. If someone wants to accuse me of anti-Semitism, that’s their right, and I can choose whether or not it’s worth engaging with that individual.

    TL;DR: You’re right, with an event of this significance, silence implies consent or approval. I do not consent OR approve, so I’m going to make it right.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Phillip October 16, 2023 / 9:31 pm

      With the way they monitor social media, this would not be the place to document if you would be a safe place. If we have Jewish friends, we should have such a relationship that they know. We should have had the conversation long before an event occurs. I understand what you’re saying, but a safe place would be out of the attention of others.

      Liked by 2 people

  25. Treva D. Thomas October 16, 2023 / 10:07 pm

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I am an American Christian, and I stand with Israel. Not standing with Israel is unthinkable to me. I write a humor blog, so it’s really not the platform to share politics, but I’ve been vocal on my author and my personal Facebook page.

    I stand with Israel.

    Liked by 2 people

  26. rory winston October 16, 2023 / 10:47 pm

    An extraordinarily thoughtful and subtle piece that does touch the core of what it means to be a Jewish American/Canadian/Eu-Country member (applies world over). It covers the stiffled angst of the outsider whose spent his entire life desperately being the good neighbor and loyal patriot in his host country only to wonder if he can rely on any of his friends in times of crisis. This was the Jew in Germany prior to WW2 (the Jew who fought for Germany in WW1 only to find out that he was the enemy by WW2 – considered so by the very lot he risked his life for). This was also my Jewish family in Hungary – half of whom perished in the war, while the rest fled to the US where I grew up with parents who remained eternally gratetful to America only to wonder if it would stand behind them like they had stood behind her. As someone who spent a great deal of time going back to Europe as a writer, I can honestly state that the issues you’ve raised apply to Jews in every country in every time period. Thank you for your wonderfui words and having the courage to take on this most awkward of subjects.

    Liked by 3 people

  27. emmayche October 16, 2023 / 11:09 pm

    Well, I certainly hope I haven’t lost my Jewish friends this week. I’m working with some fellow Knights of Columbus (Catholic men’s group) on repainting and restoring the desecrated menorah of the college Chabad House near me, and I haven’t had much time to post.

    I stand with both Israel and Ukraine; I pray for all the innocents in danger; I pray for the conversion of the aggressors, and for the strength of the defenders.

    Liked by 5 people

    • emmayche October 16, 2023 / 11:10 pm

      I misspoke; we are repainting the Chabad House, and restoring the desecrated menorah. Forgive me; it’s late, and I’m tired.

      Liked by 1 person

  28. Acarya dasa October 16, 2023 / 11:34 pm

    Thank you for this article. It perfectly expresses what I’ve been feeling all week in response to virtually all of my friends’ silence. Today, I attended a pro Israel rally in Philadelphia, and it felt so beautiful, warm, and comforting to be surrounded, for once with thousands of people who understand what is happening and are will to speak up and not just speak up, but to act against it. It felt very nourishing, but I still feel the frustration in regards to my silent friends. It feels almost as bad, or even in some ways worse than your run of the mill poisonous Jew hatred. Thanks again for expressing this so well.

    Liked by 2 people

  29. Amy October 17, 2023 / 1:28 am

    This is why I have been keeping my Jewish friends closer than ever ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  30. Neal Ross Attinson October 17, 2023 / 1:39 am

    Thank you, Josh, for expressing so simply what so many of us are feeling — and are sharing all across social media. As a Jew, I have never before (and simultaneously) felt so alone in the world and so connected to my people. Our rabbi said the other day that he understood just the “scratching at the surface of the iceberg” of what our forebears must have thought at the onset of the Shoah: “They did /what?/ /Where?/ /How/ many?” (We had a service this past Shabbat in our little “Anatevka-among-the-vines” that was attended by a well-armed guard; when the rabbi offered an aliyah to those who have family in Israel, the guard stepped up to join the two-dozen attendees already on the bimah.) We have turned a page in world history that we can never turn back; it’s sad and it sucks and it’s terrifying. But we will prevail. Others have said it, but it bears repeating and repeating and repeating: Am Yisrael Chai.

    Liked by 2 people

  31. Paul October 17, 2023 / 4:20 am

    I found your text through a link from a good Israeli friend. Thank you Josh for your words. Your reflections are important and particularly help those that feel alone in the current situation. I am a bit sad to say, but there is a deafening silence from most of my friends. You touch on several very sensitive topics. One is, who is a friend to a jewish person, when it really matters? I have had reason to think about this a great deal too. I am the son of holocaust survivors. My parents had a very difficult past, the WW2 events scarred them and they were torn inside for the rest of their lives. We say time heals all wounds, but I am afraid that some pain deep in the spirit never heals. Unfortunately, although it was not intentional they could not stop some of this pain from being passed on. I have, however, done what I can not to pass this pain onto my children. I am afraid that a total trust is not something that comes easy. The greatest gift from my parents was their unconditional love and their values to try help me become a mensch (a work in progress I am afraid). English is my third language, so I hope I am not too incoherent for those that read this. I wish all well in difficult times. Perhaps my words help someone. Josh thank you again from the bottom of my heart.

    Liked by 2 people

  32. Paul October 17, 2023 / 4:20 am

    I found your text through a link from a good Israeli friend. Thank you Josh for your words. Your reflections are important and particularly help those that feel alone in the current situation. I am a bit sad to say, but there is a deafening silence from most of my friends. You touch on several very sensitive topics. One is, who is a friend to a jewish person, when it really matters? I have had reason to think about this a great deal too. I am the son of holocaust survivors. My parents had a very difficult past, the WW2 events scarred them and they were torn inside for the rest of their lives. We say time heals all wounds, but I am afraid that some pain deep in the spirit never heals. Unfortunately, although it was not intentional they could not stop some of this pain from being passed on. I have, however, done what I can not to pass this pain onto my children. I am afraid that a total trust is not something that comes easy. The greatest gift from my parents was their unconditional love and their values to try help me become a mensch (a work in progress I am afraid). English is my third language, so I hope I am not too incoherent for those that read this. I wish all well in difficult times. Perhaps my words help someone. Josh thank you again from the bottom of my heart.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Wilbur Ross October 17, 2023 / 4:34 am

    Yes, Jews are different than us gentiles and you keep proving it over and again. You see no issue with us being different because you have your religious beliefs, bless. And you think you’re righteous and good while you murder Palestinians after they welcomed holocaust survivors into Palestine. And then you killed them. Then you stole their land and it was because something something holocaust right? Only Palestinians never ever participated in the holocaust, but they are sure paying the price today aren’t they? Because Jews are religious and you all believe in justice and shit. Oh and you’re smarter than the goyim.


  34. Naomi McSwain October 17, 2023 / 10:35 am

    Thank you, Josh. Completely changed my thinking for good. I shared the article on my FB page, along with the following response. Hope I captured it right. God bless and protect you and your family and friends and country.

    As African Americans, we want people to understand our struggles and be allies. I am part of a Facebook group, Lancer Allies, that works to do this–bringing a diverse group together largely in support of black lives. It is also a space to strive to understand the struggles or triumphs of any group of people.

    I just read a post with the article below from a Jewish writer sharing his feelings about the responses and nonresponses on the Oct 7 Hamas assaults in Israel. It made me realize that had this been an attack on a black community how much we would be in an uproar and expect others to acknowledge our sufferings.

    I honestly don’t read enough about the Middle East to really understand the ongoing conflicts. I am typically silent for this reason, not knowing who is at fault at any given time like this. But the article makes a good point about the pain someone feels regardless of who started the fight and how they would want help from their friends.

    I would add to this do the people of Israel, Palestine, the U.S., Russia, Japan, Nigeria, or any country or state deserve their suffering because their leaders did the wrong thing? Should you remind them of what they probably already know and despise while they are grieving over the slaughtering of their family? Talk about bad timing.
    The best way to understand someone’s struggles is to listen to them. Read it for yourself.

    Liked by 2 people

    • secretafricabfeea3be66 October 17, 2023 / 1:12 pm

      Beautifully written.

      Liked by 1 person

  35. Yankin October 17, 2023 / 11:23 am

    The thought of leaving a friend because they didn’t make a pious post condemning Hamas’ brutal retribution chills and disgusts me, but the thought of equating a guerrilla insurgency against an oppressor with the Nazis is even worse.

    All insurgencies are bloody — the anti-imperialist insurgents in Algeria, South Africa, and Rhodesia were no less violent and no more discriminating in their targets than Hamas is, yet we now recognize their cause was just, as one day every child will learn that the Palestinian cause is just.

    Nor were the guerrilla attacks by socialist and communist partisans against Nazi occupiers pure and morally simple. With very few exceptions, liberation struggles only succeed by playing dirty.

    In this bleak time, I’m somewhat consoled to know that far more Jews think like I do than think like you do. As Israel continues to ally with, and fund the enemies of diaspora Jews around the world, while resembling our historical persecutors ever more exactly, the growing solidarity between Jews and Palestinians in the West is one of the few bright spots.

    -From the actual Jewish homeland: the diaspora


  36. Janet Vickers October 17, 2023 / 12:25 pm

    I have felt a deep ache and sadness and wondered about writing to my Jewish friends to offer support then wondered if it would help or just make them feel a greater burden. But I hold all in my heart.

    Liked by 1 person

  37. Susan Voigt October 17, 2023 / 3:23 pm

    I have a question: why did you use the signifier star that France used to mark the Jews – that they had to sew on to their clothing. Thank you.
    I like your post – I am trying a different approach. To bring it up, talk about my thoughts. Not in a political way. A personal way. I am the daughter of Holocaust survivors. I think there are many folks nervous about this conversation.


  38. Julietta October 17, 2023 / 7:35 pm

    I appreciate the wish for support, which should absolutely be given. But the call for your friends to jump to your medium of public online posts to show support is overly simplistic. Do you think the people who hid Jews in their homes during the Holocaust could have hidden them if they’d gone into the street and publicly defied and decried their oppressors? (Of course not: the Jews as well as the families doing their best to help them would have been disappeared.) Today, nothing has been achieved through public displays of online-support-showing, or playing into echo chambers.
    You would do well to better value silent, personal, and also behind-the scenes supportiveness, which can be considerably more effective than public displays of words.


    • Yankin October 18, 2023 / 2:59 pm

      People whose “activism” consists solely in posting really like to flatter themselves by portraying posting as a brave act of defiance.

      Liked by 1 person

  39. Fred D October 17, 2023 / 7:49 pm

    “It just takes one. One message, one post.” . . . add me to that support list Josh. You have my prayers.

    Liked by 1 person

  40. Tara, The Herbal Creative October 17, 2023 / 9:02 pm

    Hey, I follow you on LinkedIn. Came and read this tonight. I don’t know how you feel 100% but I do know a bit of what it’s like to ? who of your friends would protect you and your family. I’m glad you shared these words so others can see, and pay more attention to this. I have posted supported, and will continue to do so. I love this message, and will share it with my network too 🙂


  41. Lesleykluchin October 18, 2023 / 2:36 am

    Thank you Josh for writing this. You have captured so beautifully exactly what I’ve been feeling. I hope I can respond correctly since I’ve been off WordPress while in cancer treatment. However, The Israeli horror got me back on, but WP has changed quite a bit and “chemo brain” has me so confused that I’m not sure if I am even able to respond to you correctly. I want to thank you for articulating what needed to be said. You did it perfectly! I think I scolded all my Facebook friends. And you’re correct. They probably don’t even understand why. Peace and love. Lesley


  42. Bella October 18, 2023 / 2:30 pm

    Perfectly written, it speaks for all of us right now.


  43. amyvernon October 18, 2023 / 2:36 pm

    Thank you. I’ve needed to read this. And I’ve felt every word of this for the past couple weeks.


  44. arinka66 October 18, 2023 / 4:34 pm

    Feel blessed with my friends and people around me that have the courtesy and the courage to reach out. Feel blessed after reading your blog. Thank you to putting the right words on the paper.


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