Why you might have lost all your Jewish friends this week and didn’t even know it.

I do not want to be writing this article. I’ve been waiting for someone else to write it. But, nobody else has, and somebody needs to say this.

You might have lost every last one of your Jewish friends this week, and you have no idea why. Please be patient with me as I try to explain. I’m going to be explaining things that are totally foreign to you. I didn’t even know I felt and thought this way until a couple of days ago myself.

When you are Jewish, you are always aware that there is a large population in the world that wants to kill you.

Even if they aren’t trying now, you read history and you see that every few generations, at the very least, some group tries to kill all or at least a lot of Jewish people.

We may like your posts that say “never again,” but we never fully believe it.

On Saturday, October 7th, we were reminded that we were right not to.

More Jews died in one day than any day since the Holocaust. And the reality is that while we felt shock, we didn’t necessarily feel surprise.

When my sisters were quite young, they used to play “hiding from the Nazis.” This wasn’t hide and seek; they would just pick a place to hide, under a couch, behind a freezer, and just lie still for hours. Once, they hid in our van for way too long, and my parents couldn’t find them, and they got in a lot of trouble.

They were genuinely “playing”; it was truly a game to them. But it’s just to hammer home the point that Jewish children grow up with the Holocaust being a part of our history and an intrinsic understanding that at some point, we may need to hide again.

Over the past few years, as the world in general has just gotten crazier than ever, it has become popular to post things like “If you think you would have been one of the ones who hid Jews in WWII but are afraid of speaking up about _____, you wouldn’t have been.”

It’s honestly a generally fair assessment because if you aren’t the kind of person who can handle criticism for a non-conventional belief of any sort, you surely aren’t the kind of person who would risk the Gestapo knocking on your door for hiding people. I’ve seen so many posts like this over the past 2 years.

But… here is what your Jewish friends are wondering right now. So, why didn’t you post… this time?

And that’s not an accusatory, WHY DIDN’T YOU POST!? It’s a genuine question. Because they need to know the answer.

Maybe you didn’t post something because you are ignorant about what took place.

Maybe you didn’t say something to your Jewish friends because you truly don’t understand that they consider every slaughtered baby, raped girl, and murdered man to be their own family.

Maybe you are so horrified by it all that you truly don’t know what words to say.

Maybe you are still wondering what to say.

Well, it breaks my heart to tell you what your Jewish friends are wondering.

They are wondering if you are safe.

They are seeing many others cave to the propaganda, the vitriol from the Hamas apologists; they are seeing the pro-Hamas protests and the threats to the world, and they are wondering if you are too afraid to speak.

And they know that if you are too afraid to speak, then you would be too afraid to hide them.

Did you know that that is a category of friend that every Jewish person has in their mind? Who would I run to? Who would hide me?

We don’t wonder if; we wonder when. Because we know that whether it is indeed us, or whether it is our brothers and sisters in Israel, or in France, or in Pittsburgh, it will happen again somewhere.

It wasn’t until this last weekend that I realized that I have lived my whole life treating the world as guilty until proven innocent. That until you are proven safe to me, I hold you in mild suspicion. I didn’t even realize that I’ve always done this.

When an Arabic barber is trimming my beard with a sharp blade and comments on my complexion and says “are you Arabic?” I don’t answer truthfully. I say that my grandfather was from Lithuania. (He was; it’s not a lie, it’s just not the truth.)

When a stranger says “what is your family background,” I almost always change the subject.

Dear friends who may feel this blog is written to you. I am not saying I fear you or that I don’t love you. I’m just trying to let you know that unless you have proven that you will stand with me, I will not run to your home if they come for me and my family.

I am also not saying that silence is support. I do not believe that everyone who hasn’t posted support for the Jewish people and for Israel is complicit. But… I am not totally sure if you are safe. And none of your other Jewish friends are sure either.

I’m sure this offends you. How unfair to fail an audition you didn’t know you were having.

And yes, it is unfair.

But I’m sorry to say your Jewish friends aren’t wondering about fairness right now. They are only wondering about safety.

This post might seem angry; I’m not. I’m just sad. Sad for everything that has happened, sad for the friends I’ve heard from who haven’t heard from a single non-Jewish friend with a message of love and support.

But here’s the other thing: it just takes one. One message, one post. The greatest soothing to my soul this past week has been seeing friends and old colleagues post notes of support. It truly means the world. It’s not too late.

But consider this carefully, because it is not a game. If you read this and choose to reach out, choose to take a stand publicly. Choose to put your own reputation on the line and maybe even take some of the hatred toward the Jewish people and Israel for yourself. If you do this, we may believe you.

Do not take this lightly. The history of the Jewish people is not a light one. But it is filled with joy. Our victories have always risen above our tragedies. It is a history of suffering but overcoming suffering.

And throughout history, there have always been those who stand with us. From the Egyptians who joined the Israelites, following the pillar of fire and pillar of cloud, to the hundreds of thousands of gentiles who put their lives on the line to hide Jews in Europe during the Second World War.

There is a song we like to sing: Am Y’Israel Chai. “The people of Israel live.”

We always will. Many have tried to wipe us out. And yet we live.

I started this article explaining our pain, but I end it with a simple invitation to join us in our life. It means the world when you do.

233 thoughts on “Why you might have lost all your Jewish friends this week and didn’t even know it.

  1. Tina Frisco October 18, 2023 / 8:25 pm

    Thank you, Josh, for your honesty and bravery in posting this. I’m not Jewish; but then, I’m not a lot of things. I don’t identify by race, religion, gender, etc. I remind myself every day to act from the place of love in my heart. All emotion and action spring from either love or fear. In keeping with my commitment to love ~ and I don’t say this lightly ~ I would offer safe haven to those fleeing oppression, despite any fear I might be feeling. It’s been said many times by many people that “it takes a village.” I am a member of that village. So I guess that’s the label with which I identify. I always speak out for the oppressed and have done so all my life. I know I’m not alone. And neither are you, my friend. I imagine that’s little comfort. But know this: the patriarchy is dying and digging in its heels for one last stand. Love and peace will prevail. Please feel a big hug❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    • Winston October 20, 2023 / 12:37 pm

      I didn’t post because FB put me in jail again. But that doesn’t mean I don’t support my Jewish friends… All it means is that I can’t help myself from telling MAGA idiots the truth about themselves…


      • Joshua October 20, 2023 / 1:55 pm

        The fact that you brought politics into this just shows that you’re ignorant, and wouldn’t do shit if the jews needed you. What a clown


    • Ben Cowan October 21, 2023 / 3:49 pm

      As a Jew, I find the author of this article weak and naive. We stand strong. No one hides. To hide is to die- to surrender. No one gets into box cars now. We fight. If we die, the enemy dies too. We stand in the open, strong, armed and united, not under a bed, sniveling.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Expat87 January 25, 2024 / 1:13 pm

        There is no need to hide anymore. Come to Israel. Here we are in it together, for better or for worse.


      • LISA M. January 28, 2024 / 11:10 pm

        Thank You For Voicing A “Stay Strong” Attitude. I’m a Black American married to a Jewish person I TOTALLY LOVE. I also live in Texas where even us Liberals own guns. I’m probably more aggressive and I would never go down without a fight if evil white supremacists and/or Nazi types ever tried anything violent with us. Fearful? I’m Black in America. I’m NOT scared. Concerned, Yes. AND You’ve an easier time of it here, you’re still White. People need to STOP being afraid, bullies will rip out your throat if they smell fear & you don’t vehemently stand up to them! AND get out the VOTE to like minded voters no matter who they are. Whoever the KKK supports you shouldn’t no matter what party they’re in.


  2. CEO HOYLE October 18, 2023 / 9:07 pm

    All Praises The High This Article was very informative from your perspective.


    • Ben Cowan October 21, 2023 / 3:50 pm

      This article was ignorant. We do not hide. We stand and fight.


      • Sarah October 25, 2023 / 12:08 am

        People are hypocrites. People pretend certain things are important so they can pat themselves on the back and get kudos from others. I remember when people jumped to save the nearly extinct alligators in Florida. Well people, we Jews are nearly extinct too. Protect us, save us, put your hatred and indifference aside and value us more than you value alligators. There are only 15 million of us in the entire world, a majority in only one country, BUT there are 2.5 billion christians worldwide, a majority in 52 countries and there are 2 billion muslims worldwide, a majority in 48 countries. islam demands global control, the next world war is coming your way. This war with Israel is a giant test from the muslims; G-d forbid they win because everyone else is next.


  3. K October 18, 2023 / 10:15 pm

    This is exactly how Black people feel. Especially when it was mainstream to publicly post Black Lives Matter and many of our “friends” did not. Sadden by the terror in the world and hope for a day when we all realize that our liberation is intertwined.

    Liked by 1 person

    • KP October 18, 2023 / 10:28 pm

      Please understand how confusing this is to me when BLM Chicago posts a graphic of a parachutist and says they stand with Palestine.

      Liked by 1 person

      • sojournerbliss October 19, 2023 / 12:13 am

        I think when someone states that they stand with Palestine, it is the palestinian people who are also suffering, they are referring to, the people who also fear for their lives, every single day of their existence are who are being referred to not the terrorists, not Hamas. I agree it would be nice to rather say I stand with all the innocent people in Israel and Palestine who are suffering due to this ongoing conflict.

        Liked by 3 people

      • Ben W October 19, 2023 / 9:42 am

        There is a difference between believing and stating that Black lives matter, versus aligning with the political BLM organization.

        The former is a belief in the sanctity of human rights. The latter is a political movement with an agenda that I do not support.

        Liked by 2 people

      • R. MacD October 20, 2023 / 1:13 am

        The shocking BLM Chicago post was from an individual who is an ignorant piece of shit. Has nothing to do with BLM the organized movement, if there is even such a thing.

        Plenty of Black Americans vote Republican, go figure. Nothing is 100% black or white 🙂

        But to the point, black people DO think similar thoughts when interacting with white people. I have a black friend who describes it as “putting on my mask on whenever I leave my house.” My black wife is not so drastic, but is quite aware that the white person she just met and is having a friendly conversation with could also be voting 100% for white supremacy politics (the odds are good). So it becomes second nature to not depend on others and limit who you trust and how much you give away.

        Liked by 2 people

    • Inessa Levitan October 19, 2023 / 11:34 am

      Thank you Josh for article! We are still afraid! In my town hardly any people display Israeli flag 🇮🇱 outdoors! Very sad

      Liked by 1 person

    • Julie Martin October 19, 2023 / 3:26 pm

      BLM is one of the most racist organizations out there and they support the slaughter of Jews and their babies by supporting the Hamas terrorists. It was and is not mainstream to post BLM. All my black friends don’t support it either.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Sarah October 22, 2023 / 10:46 pm

        Bullshit! I’m a Jew and a member of BLM. You know not of what you speak.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Adam November 3, 2023 / 12:29 am

        Hey Sarah what exactly am I missing from this very well known headline?

        “Black Lives Matter co-founder called for ‘end’ of Israel in 2015”

        Spare me the “anti-Israel isn’t antisemitic” business. That certainly can be possible, but BLM’s obsession with the Jews is indeed antisemitic. Why isn’t she upset about the Uiyghers or the Muslims in Myanmar? You know, populations that have ACTUALLY been ethnically cleansed, unlike the Palestinians

        Wake up. Your progressive righteousness does not mean your progressive comrades care about you


    • BW October 21, 2023 / 10:10 am

      I would not compare this to black lives matter since they decided to be anti-Israel instead of just focusing on what was important to them. I was applaud by what happened to create the movement but refuse to support the black lives matter movement due to them being another anti-sematic and anti-Israel organizatin.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Sara November 11, 2023 / 1:04 pm

        Being anti Isrrael does not make on antisemític much like being anti colonization does not make one anti white. Being against stealing other people’s land and demanding it’s yours is not about hating the race of the person demanding it.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. K October 18, 2023 / 10:19 pm

    This is exactly how Black people feel. Especially when is was socially acceptable to publicly post and say Black Lives Matter and many of our “friends” did not. I pray for an end of this terror and the collective realization that our liberation is intertwined.


    • Steven Marcus October 19, 2023 / 10:03 am

      First, it’s “black” and not “Black”. You aint special because of the color of your skin. Secondly, it’s “SBLM” for SOME Black Lives Matter. Why did I capitalize “Black” just now? Because “SBLM” is an acronym and therefore the first letter of each word is capitalized. But then again, I’m just a racist because I believe that grammar and spelling matter, right?

      Liked by 1 person

      • SDK October 19, 2023 / 11:13 am

        Out of all the choices in the world, why choose to be an asshole?

        You’re a racist because you don’t think people can define their own culture and identity – just like the people who are racist against us. I don’t think any black person would think they are special because of the color of their skin – they are special because they managed to survive 400 years of slavery, Jim Crow, systematic oppression, legal discrimination, hate crimes and a really, deeply disturbed society with a hierarchy of enforced racism specifically directed against them with their humanity intact. Black people are special because they are resilient – just like Jews. They also know how to spice their food. If you don’t think black people are special, you know any black people.

        Race doesn’t exist in a biological sense but culture does exist and black culture rocks – whether you capitalize or not. Sorry that you life is so … white. Recommend that you get out of the house more often.


      • Angela October 19, 2023 / 5:55 pm

        Racist? Possibly not. Raging arsehole? Most assuredly.


      • Douglas Gill October 20, 2023 / 4:36 pm

        and WHY do you feel the need to make your little Black statement when the blog piece is about the tragic events in The Middle East?

        Liked by 1 person

      • core15760670a550 October 21, 2023 / 11:24 am

        You’re not a racist. Just an ass. Stick to the discussion about what matters

        Liked by 1 person

      • LISA M. January 28, 2024 / 11:35 pm

        I don’t care for grammar police and sometimes I capitalize B for Black and W for White for emphasis. You may be a racist? or just trivial & argumentative. Your picture w/ the gun makes you seem insecure & weird. I have guns, and I think it’s low life when people pose with them. Should I put on Black Panther wear and brandish my rifles? NO! It makes the average person feel uncomfortable and wary of you. I married the sweetest White/white person who I’d also protect from any kind of racism to antisemitism. I’m excellent in math and the rules of grammar can be annoying. And yes, your comment comes off racist and because normal peaceful people don’t pose with guns.


  5. Marje @ Kyrosmagica October 18, 2023 / 11:46 pm

    I hope for peace in the world and the end of bigotry of all forms. It truly is a sad dreadful time we are living through. 😔

    Liked by 1 person

  6. E fury October 19, 2023 / 12:58 am

    Hey. Thank you for being courageous. First, I’m sorry that you don’t feel safe. I love that you go to an Arab barber, I hate you’re afraid to identify.

    I am always learning. I don’t understand if being Jewish is a faith, culture… skin tone? I’ve asked, the answers have spanned the gamut and left me even more confused.

    I didn’t post about the massacre because I’m part of an activist community. Jewish comrades have been protesting Israel’s treatment of Palestine. From my understanding, Hamas is a result of the genocide and oppression of Palestinians. Let me also note, I am told by Jewish people they don’t support Israel’s position and policies.

    So do you condemn people for kidnapping and killing their oppressor’s? Which in some way ignores how it escalated to that point. Hamas took 250 people. They are asking for 6,000 of their own people.

    I know oppressed groups shouldn’t be responsible for teaching people. I recognize I’m asking for a lot. I offer, I have read and researched. I have asked questions. The answers I’ve received so far consider Palestinians Jewish people’s brothers and sisters too. The posts I’ve read have said some Jewish people are hurt by everything happening in Israel and Gaza. So, I’ve been letting Jewish people speak for themselves.

    As for my Jewish comrades. Anybody coming for you is coming for me.

    Liked by 3 people

    • SDK October 19, 2023 / 8:59 am

      Yes, I condemn people for killing innocent men, women, children and babies while fighting their oppressors. If you believe that oppressed people have no agency – that they are compelled to harm others and they have no choices about how to conduct their activism – then you are the colonialist. You are saying “well, I would never kill a baby but I’m not sure about these folks.” We can demand humanity from every human. We all have free will. We all have choices about how to react to oppression.

      Jews were oppressed for a thousand years and they did not go out and murder Christian children in their frustration. They prayed. They hoped. They dreamed of returning to their native land and of living there freely without being oppressed. You are pitching this idea to very much the wrong audience.

      Hamas kills children because they believe in an Islamist war of all against all. They don’t believe in human rights. They don’t believe in democracy. They don’t believe in liberation – they believe in Islamic supremacy. Their behavior is in line with their goals. And they are responsible for their behavior. And YOU are responsible for justifying that behavior. They are the KKK. I’m sure that people who support racism and genocidal wars against nonwhites in the United States also feel oppressed. But if they took over western Idaho and were waging a war, harming civilians, shooting rockets, boldly explaining that they planned to take over all of the US and to put all nonwhites under subjugation, I would not want a ceasefire with them. I would want to win that war.

      If you really, genuinely, deeply believed what you wrote, you would move back to Europe immediately. You are living on stolen land here. And apparently all you have to offer Native Americans are some words. If you are serious, leave! Every day you live on stolen land, you are causing harm and if someone murdered you for the crime of being born here, that would be justified.

      Jews are a people. We are a tribe. Like the Yadizi, like the Kurds, like the Druze, like the Basques, like the Navajo. We have a religion, a native land, a language, a culture. It’s not complicated. Peoples and tribes are the oldest form of human community – far older than nation states.

      Liked by 2 people

      • USJew November 22, 2023 / 10:46 pm

        In fairness, “Jews were oppressed for a thousand years and they did not go out and murder Christian children in their frustration” invisibilizes how some IDF soldiers have chosen to act in horrific ways, how Palestinian CHILDREN have been held without trial indefinitely in Israeli prisons, sexual crimes, humiliations and tortures. Please allow Jews as well the grace of including abhorrent, imperfect humans, like any group of humans.

        So it is a bit hyperbolic, this statement, designed to cast All Jews As Innocent Passive Praying Victims and All XXX as ….

        But I will say that if you believe this statement: “Hamas … don’t believe in human rights. They don’t believe in democracy. They don’t believe in liberation – they believe in…. supremacy. Their behavior is in line with their goals. And they are responsible for their behavior”
        You COULD really put Bibi’s (and others) Israeli government in the place of Hamas in this phrase and it would fit. Bibi’s policies – current and past- have not championed human rights equitably, they have not demonstrated a belief in democracy, they act out of SUPREMACY (my goodness, just LISTEN to the spokespeople’s own words!) and their actions are in line with their goals. Hamas (while grown, propped up and funded BY ISRAEL …. another story) is not funded by us, by the US, but Israel IS.

        Thus particularly the US (as in theory those who DO believe in democracy, human rights, liberation — as you suggest here that you are) should HOLD them accountable. THE US and tax dollars are propping up this abhorrent behavior. And it must stop.


    • Jeremy October 19, 2023 / 9:23 am

      “So do you condemn people for kidnapping and killing their oppressor’s? [sic]”
      Yes. Yes you do. It’s really that simple. First, because kidnapping and killing is wrong. Kidnapping and killing babies is not “resistance”. Raping women next to the bodies of their dead friends and family is not resistance. And if you can’t see that, then you’re a bad person.

      But second, because you’re wrong about who the oppressor is. Let me be clear – Hamas is the oppressor. Hamas steals aid money to build terrorist infrastructure. Hamas puts innocent Gazans in the line of fire. Hamas hides weapons in schools and hospitals. Hamas lies. Hamas keeps Gaza poor so they can gain sympathy so the world sends more money that they can steal to build more weapons and tunnels.

      I don’t support everything Israel has done. Especially under Netanyahu, many of his government’s actions rightly need to be condemned. And, you may have heard, Israelis have been protesting against their own government for months. They triggered 5 elections in 4 years.

      But don’t pretend there’s any moral equivalence between how Israel defends itself and how Hamas murders its own people.

      Liked by 2 people

      • snarkerkitty October 26, 2023 / 12:00 pm

        Did Hamas send settlers into Palastian territory and demand that Palastians leave their homes to create settlements? Oh wait…. Neither side is innocent in this war. Isreal MUST own up to its Human rights violations as well.;


      • snarkerkitty October 26, 2023 / 12:00 pm

        Did Hamas send settlers into Palastian territory and demand that Palastians leave their homes to create settlements? Oh wait…. Neither side is innocent in this war. Isreal MUST own up to its Human rights violations as well.;


    • Emma October 19, 2023 / 7:28 pm

      Please read Hamas’s charter. They blatantly state to kill Jews and use Hitler’s propaganda. This massacre did not happening a vacuum but it is easy to just point to Palestinian suffering just on Israel. Israel, Palestinians, UN, England, Hamas and the Arab world have all played a part in the deplorable conditions of the Palestinian people.
      Jews have always lived in what was then controlled by the Ottoman empire. 1st fallacy that has been going around: “Jews and Arabs did not fight before Jews wanted to become a state.” – please research the history of Safed as one example.
      The English took over the territory from the fall of the Ottoman Empire and called the area Palestine. The Balfour declaration was created so that Jews would basically help in WWI (oversimplification) the second part of the declaration called for the protection of Arab Culture and religion 1939. (British literally turned Jews away who were fleeing for their lives. And were sent back to be killed. USA, Canada also turned Jews away. Also showed Hitler no one wanted Jews.) at this same time Hitler was also feeding propaganda about the Jews to Arab Imams who incorporated it into their sermons. (Matthias Kuntzel’s book “Nazi Islamic antisemitism and the Middle East)
      1937 Peel report gave most of the land of Israel to the Palestinians but they rejected the offer.
      1948 map of Israel, gave most of the land with viable agriculture and cities to the Palestinians. Israel received mostly Desert. Israel created a viable government and requested ratification. Palestinians did not accept this and went to war. Israel won and did not take additional land. At this point Gaza was controlled by Egypt and the West Bank By Jordan. (Israel does not have the Holiest site to the Jewish nation)
      1948-1967 multiple terrorist attacks on Israel. Terrorism did not start because of occupation.
      1967 – Arab world attacked Israel with the motto form the Land to the Sea Palestine should be free, which mean slaughter the Jews. ( during this time, the Arab world killed or expelled most of the Jewish population and most fled to Israel not by choice. Most of the migration to Israel has been due to persecution or unlivable conditions for Jews. This created a much larger Jewish population and European Jews are the minority)
      When Israel won the war they took Gaza and the West Bank. By waging war you consent to the outcome.
      During that time, until 2005 israel did occupy those areas. Palestinians could move freely and had a much better socio economic conditions.
      When israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005 it was abrupt without a peace agreement and Gazans chose Hamas, a terrorist organization who gets funds from Iran. They do not need to do anything for their people because the UN just provides money. The Arab world compounded the problem in Israel (War and Jewish expulsion) and then just left Palestinians to deal with the consequences.
      So the white colonizer narrative is antisemitism because we had no home to start and mostly immigrated out of necessity and fleeing persecution.
      Weaponizing the term Zionist is straight from Hitler’s playbook. Yes I do want a country where I am not in the minority and can smell Shabbat cooking on Friday nights. This does not disenfranchise Palestinians ( who may have lived on the land but have not had their own country for hundreds of years.) The Arab League made this more than just a land dispute but also just not wanting Jews to have self determination. There was peace but never full equality when Jews lived in lands governed by Arabs.
      Lastly for my long winded explanation, you mention Jewish friends but I sincerely doubt that they would say Israeli civilians deserved to be massacred raped and child mutilation. I do believe they voice opinions against the Israeli government and so does the Left Israeli newspaper Haaretz. As a Jewish nation we are encouraged to voice opinions, have debates and even question God.


      • Susan Williams October 25, 2023 / 10:30 pm

        Emma, Thank you for your succinct analysis. I am not Jewish but was aware of this history. I also have Jewish friends and, yes, I sent them my heart felt sadness and prayers for safety and Israel’s peace. I also would hide them. My God loves them as His chosen people and has given me a love for them too. I have been appalled by the world’s overall response to the terrible events of 7 Oct 23. This is not just about the land of Israel. It truly is a diabolical scheme to eliminate all Jews and then Christians, then anyone who is not devout Muslim. I am a student of Biblical prophesy and know that more is coming. I also know that YHWH will rise up in a mighty, supernatural way to save His people. When is the question. We are told to be ready, watch and Pray for the Shalom of Jerusalem.


      • gnatrap November 8, 2023 / 9:46 pm

        Why does everyone dignify hamas with a capital H. They don’t deserve it, terrorists are terrorists.


    • Jimmy Ostrove October 19, 2023 / 8:37 pm

      Hamas doesn’t wish for a Palestinian State. They do not want to have peace or negotiate with Israel. They want to “liberate” the land that’s called Israel in the name of their religion, not their people. They believe that land to be consecrated to the Muslims (a Waqf) because after the Muslims conquered it the first time they said so. They are Islamists, not simply Islamic. They feel it is their duty to kill Jews, regardless of their prowess at playing the Progressive Left (of which I assumed myself to be a part, but now don’t feel very welcome, at all) with a “revised” charter as of 2017 that couches their original charter’s goals in the language of Western Liberals and Progressives. That they succeeded so easily and so thoroughly tells me they knew they were talking to an audience that just wanted them to “say it differently, so it’s not so obvious”. Read their Charter. Read the one from 1988 side by side with the one from 2017. Listen to what they say. See how they treat their own people, not just by using them as human shields, but when they are left to their own devices absent any hot conflict with Israel. See how they define the role of women in their movement (para. “Produce fighters, teach them to follow our way, watch the household budget”.). See how they represent the Palestinians in Gaza by not allowing them any voice, dissent or even an election since 2006. See how they value the lives of the people of Gaza when they only see them as a small fraction of the worldwide Muslim community they claim to represent. When they see a place in Paradise for themselves and feel their only role in this life to die fulfilling what they see as a fundamentalist interpretation of their holy book. When they don’t see their struggle as ending with the destruction of Israel, at all, but with the establishment of their rule over all people, all creeds.
      See how they believe that everyone can live in harmony and peace, as long as it’s under their rule and rules. Then talk to me about how they represent any oppressed group. You may feel that way, but Hamas certainly doesn’t.

      Liked by 1 person

    • E October 21, 2023 / 8:17 am

      “Israel is the oppressor” is often used while ignoring facts. In Israel Jews, Druze and Arabs have equal status as Israeli citizens. They serve in the IDF side by side and hold political positions. Palestinians elected Hamas as their governing body when Israel left gaza. They have rejected Israel right of Israeli and Jewish existance from the very beginning and do not consider themselves citizens.. I can only encourage you to do your own research to learn the facts and not depend on the opinions of others. .


      • USJew November 22, 2023 / 11:00 pm

        I also encourage folks to research reliable sources, and look for sources who don’t have a clear “pony in the race” so to speak. Israeli government has sure had to walk back a BUNCH of um…. assertions. As for your statement: ” In Israel Jews, Druze and Arabs have equal status as Israeli citizens. They serve in the IDF side by side and hold political positions.” Not totally accurate and also, it is like saying Black and Indigenous citizens of the US have equal status under US law, which clearly is not true on an institutional, practical, procedural, or policy basis. So it is true-ish in the letter of law but not the institutional realities that limit the full access of citizenship (afforded to Jewish Israelis) from Palestinians/ Arabs who are also Israeli citizens. Here is just one example from prior to October 7: https://abcnews.go.com/International/uprisings-palestinians-israeli-citizenship/story?id=77741627


    • Mary Ann Golan October 22, 2023 / 1:06 am

      Yes you should condemn those who kill innocent young people at a music festival, entire families in their homes, children and little babies, the elderly – raping women and then killing women including a pregnant woman who was stabbed in the stomach killing her unborn baby after being shot. These are not “oppressors” as you claim in order to justify the horrors committed by these Hamas militants. How dare you! Some were mutilated and beheaded! It was horrific beyond words!


    • Rutabaga October 23, 2023 / 5:16 pm

      I always notice when people use the phrase “Jewish people.” Seems clunkier than just calling us “Jews.” Does it feel pejorative to use our own endonym? Why is that?

      As for your “Jewish comrades,” yes the relationship between Israel and the Diaspora is a complicated one. And before you go tossing around words like “genocide” on a blogpost like this one, consider that in 1948, there were 700,000 Palestinians in Gaza. Today there are 2 million. By contrast, my father’s family had been living and thriving in Baghdad since our ancestors were deported there from the Israelite Northern Kingdom in 586 BCE. The Jews of Iraq built a cultural and intellectual center that would be 1000 years old before Islam would even exist. Pray tell, how many Jews are there in Baghdad today? So spare me your casual reference to “genocide” on a blogpost written by someone whose family members experienced exactly that, in living memory. Maybe not your memory.

      I understand the OP’s fear because I share it. And your assurance that “anybody coming for you is coming for me” completely misses the point. The fear and sadness that I feel is that YOU are coming for me. Not you personally, but the progessive left with which I otherwise share so many values.

      When Jews are referred to as “the chosen people,” this is what that means. Chosen to stand out as “a light to the nations” as Isaiah says. We have no political home. We are beyond politics. Hating us is the only thing the Right and the Left have consistently agreed upon. I’m done trying to prove to you that I’m human.


    • Nes October 24, 2023 / 9:06 am

      I will respond to some of your incorrect points.firstly, it is confusing about being Jewish. Thre religion is Judaic and not all Jews are religious. We originated in the Midfle East, in what is now Israel. After two exiles, most of us were dispersed around the globe. Being the outsider, we were always the scapegoat. We are a people, the Jewish people, no matter where you were born. We are returning to our homeland from everywhere. We are brown Jews from Arab lands and white Jews from Europe. There is no genocide of palestinians. Otherwise there would not be 2 million Arab Israelis in Israel, 4 million Arabs in Judea and Shomron and 2 million Arabs in Gaza. In 1948 there were 700,000 Arabs who were told by their leaders to flee from Israel.now there are 8 million! Now the 5,000 Arab prisoners in our jails. They are there because they have either murdered an Israeli citizen, or attempted to. No, they wont be returmed. Finally, Israel gave up Gaza in 2005 removing every Jew. They left behind amazing viable greenhouses that grew plants for the international market. In tact. What did the hamas do? They smashed them up. They have used every dollar of the billions of dollars the UN, the EU etc give them to build…tunnels, weapons and hate. They are evil and you know it. Monsters who justify taking 30 children and babies, the elderly, the young. We will destroy this evil. Wake up and admit it.


    • Sarah October 25, 2023 / 12:15 am

      People are hypocrites. People pretend certain things are important so they can pat themselves on the back and get kudos from others. I remember when people jumped to save the nearly extinct alligators in Florida. Well people, we Jews are nearly extinct too. Protect us, save us, put your hatred and indifference aside and value us more than you value alligators. There are only 15 million of us in the entire world, a majority in only one country, BUT there are 2.5 billion christians worldwide, a majority in 52 countries and there are 2 billion muslims worldwide, a majority in 48 countries. islam demands global control, the next world war is coming your way. This war with Israel is a giant test from the muslims; G-d forbid they win because everyone else is next.


  7. Shsh October 19, 2023 / 2:17 am

    The thing with BLM is that it was an easy to understand slogan that you did not need to know any background info for. You did not need to know what happened to Floyd to know Black Lives Matter. You could be completely ignorant to any violence anyone was facing and still confidently say BLM and post it on your profile. What’s going on right now has no slogan. There are no “Jewish lives matter” images to share. Just news stories which unfortunately not everyone has time to read. You cannot compare the two. Time is a luxury and a privilege. It’s our most valuable asset and something many people are severely lacking. And it isn’t like learning about what’s happening takes just 5 minutes. It literally requires days, hell weeks of research.


  8. Tanya October 19, 2023 / 2:48 am

    Not buying into the propaganda from either side including this victim mindset and resentful accusations and unrealistic high expectations and entitled attitude. Literally makes me want to puke 🤮I am FOR humanity and for PEACE. Not for the Jews or for Israel or for Palestine. Your article is not balanced . It does not mention the atrocities committed by Israel. If you want to be taken serious loose the entitled , victim stance and write a piece that is balanced. It’s violent , entitled and selfish to speak of your safety only without mentioning the Palestinians. A bunch of privileged Israeli kids were partying three miles from the largest open air prison where poverty is ripe. Utterly disgusting , as is what Hamas did on the day !


    • teststats October 19, 2023 / 5:51 am

      You clearly have anger rooted in a massive lack of understanding about and or for humanity as a whole. Should a democratic state not thrive because its neighbors lives under a rule of suppression? Israel is small compared to those around her, and are a true democracy. Your anger should be directed towards the suppressors, those who keep their people in poverty, killing them for support and using them as shields. Why don’t you take your minimal amount of understanding and study a lot more before you start accusing a heart felt letter to the world. Why don’t you step back to see a full picture, which was clearly delivered. That all of humanity matters to this writer even if they shared their fear and/or personal story. Why don’t you start by watching this story of a man who is Arab born within the world of Hamas. Then come back and talk – so we can actually evolve versus the spew of more hatred rooted in an actual lack of understanding. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_v738Wogza0

      Liked by 1 person

    • SDK October 19, 2023 / 9:07 am

      Do you ever party? Don’t all Americans live a few miles from tremendous, unnecessary poverty? Do you deserve to be killed? Why do you live here? There are other choices. There are better, more fair, nations where you could live.

      You know nothing about Jewish people or Jewish history. Anyone who watches a group of Islamist supremacists kill 1400 innocent people and calls them freedom fighters …


    • Deborah Simone October 19, 2023 / 1:07 pm

      If you are living in the US and are not First Nations or your family were not trafficked here, you live on stolen land. You personally benefit from atrocities perpetrated on Red & Black people right up into our present. Consider moving back to your family’s country of origin, before pointing your finger at someone else.


    • Deborah Simone October 19, 2023 / 1:21 pm

      Tanya, we see you: a whole paragraph gaslighting the OPs experience of generational trauma being triggered by a current one. Where is your outrage & grief at the rapes, baby burnings, beheadings & other murders of 1000 mostly young people & children? Why must Jewish grief always be met with: but what about these other people? You are a perfect example of an unsafe frenemy.
      Consider this comment from someone else here: “It’s really that simple. First, because kidnapping and killing is wrong. Kidnapping and killing babies is not “resistance”. Raping women next to the bodies of their dead friends and family is not resistance. And if you can’t see that, then you’re a bad person”


    • Efroach October 19, 2023 / 5:11 pm

      You basically just justified the murder of kids and equated their “partying” with terrorists murdering, raping, and kidnapping innocent people, which shows a seriously distorted set of values. So please don’t pretend you are into peace.


    • Adam November 3, 2023 / 12:10 am

      Many of those “privileged” kids were peaceniks who do more to encourage coexistence than you could understand. Hamas may have permanently extinguished the light in people like that. Palestinian poverty is directly tied to Hamas pilfering and enrichment. They have the worlds most sophisticated underground terrorist infrastructure but zero bomb shelters. Not hard to figure out why. They’re a death cult


  9. holidaykid October 19, 2023 / 3:30 am

    Thank you so much for sharing your voice. The sense of vulnerability in your appeal is overwhelming. I, thusly, am compelled to reach out and offer both my thanks and support to you in the hope that you can gain a little comfort to help you choose your steps in the days, months, and years ahead most wisely.

    Although it may seem that forces have been aligning with conspiratorial zeal in an agitative position towards your community, please do keep in mind that these loud voices hold very little authority, or even credibility, coming from positions of ignorance and child-like reasoning.

    For the past week my girlfriend and I have been aware, with increasing incredulity, the double standards being displayed by some actors in the media, and some from a ‘progressive’ political position.

    My sense is that amongst the ranks of ‘The Left’ there are a minority with a predisposition unfavourable towards capitalism, and, wrongly, hold the Jewish people to be the embodiment of this most human of manifestations. My girlfriend, an ardent old school, working class supporting (old) labour voter disagrees and thinks that rather than being antisemitic based on the ‘wrongs’ of capitalism, these left leaning progressives have adopted Muslims as a victimised minority and are locked in a social justice cause where every heinous action can be justified through their mud-splattered lens of victim-hood.

    These noisy uneducated, ignorant activists are a minority, I promise. And due to the paucity of their reasoning can never amass any great following outside their own ignorant echo-chambers.

    There are many of us that will be saddened to read your words this evening, but I urge you to keep in mind, the majority of right thinking people would be far more easily moved to support your community than to side with your antagonisers.

    I openly stand with you.
    Love to you all.


    Liked by 1 person

  10. Sarah October 19, 2023 / 4:07 am

    Very concerned that your main thought when dealing with an Arab man is “he’s probably anti-semitic”. I think that some internal assessment is needed to confront the irrational fear of a man just doing his job and making conversation. Your assumption is race based, and no different than assuming something because someone is black or asian or hispanic. Nor is it any more likely to be anything other than a less than true stereotype.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jeremy October 19, 2023 / 9:33 am

      That’s the same “not all men” argument that came up as a backlash to the Me Too movement. It was a pathetic response then and it’s pathetic now. No, not all men are sexual harassers or rapists or abusive or dangerous. But some of them are, and you don’t know which one, and since our society doesn’t really punish them and implicitly condones them, it’s up to women to be cautious.

      No, not all Arabs are antisemites. But a lot of them are, and we don’t know if the person we’re talking to is one of them or not. Too much has happened in our history for us to be complacent. That’s what the author was saying.

      Liked by 1 person

    • SDK October 19, 2023 / 11:25 am

      It’s very sad, but most of the Israelis I know refuse to give their nationality to anyone they interact with casually who seems to be Arab or Muslim. They are too afraid of having someone become violent. There is a tiny percentage of violent people in any group – but it is based on fear given the tensions between the two groups. I also know Arabs/Palestinians in Israel who pass as Jews in casual conversation b/c they are tired of dealing with racism against Arabs. There are also people in other ethnic groups who pass as white if they can if they are in a rural area or if they perceive the people around them to be conservative, gun-owners, etc. It only takes one racist.

      As an American Jew, I don’t live with this fear generally speaking. I am very open about being Jewish with people I encounter and while this sometimes leads to being asked odd questions, mostly it leads to interesting conversations. I think the writer can probably say “Yeah, I look Arab b/c I’m Jewish”. Jews are Semites – we look like a lot of other Mediterranean people. His barber is seeing something real – something that could connect two people rather than divide them – and I generally choose to move closer to the person trying to make a connection.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Dalia Cherazie October 19, 2023 / 9:24 am

    I have to say one thing. you have to be there to understand the fear that the Jewish people feel.
    Reading or hearing about it all depends on the source . Be careful of activist who wants to poison your mind.

    Yes, there are victims on both sides but the
    Israelis never go out of their way to attack the Arabs in their homes unless they were attacked 1st. big different from breaking into peoples homes and slaughtering them.

    Terrorists whether Arabs or any other religion, their main goal is to terrorize people and we have to Raticate them.
    No place in a peaceful world for terror.
    I can say it because I lived through it. I know what fear is from a personal experience. That goes for all humans, black white Chinese or otherwise.
    Stand up against terror not ideology.

    There are 22 Arab countries, only one Israel. Please let them live in peace🙏


  12. Steven Marcus October 19, 2023 / 10:13 am

    This American-Israeli has seen your article floating around the Web for the last week and finally read it for myself just now. It’s nice to see someone blogging who has a decent command of the English language with one major error, your barber is an Arab who speaks with an Arabic accent.

    I mention this in particular because during the First Intifada, I was on my way to get my hair cut in south Tel Aviv when I couldn’t walk any further due to police activity. My barber, a recent immigrant from the former Soviet Union, had been stabbed to death by a 16-year old Gazan terrorist-in-training. No doubt he did his time in an Israeli prison or was swapped in a bad, lopsided prisoner trade.

    All my friends, real and cyber, know that I’m a proud Israeli. During this past week, friends & acquaintances I expected to say something didn’t and many whom I didn’t expect DID say something in sympathy with Israel. Almost all of my friends are conservative and/or friendly to Israel in some way, shape or form. Lech teed’ah; go figure…

    As Dennis Prager is fond of saying: “People are a mixed bag”, meaning there is always something bad you can say about someone you love/respect/admire.


  13. Noam Wagner October 19, 2023 / 10:33 am

    Hi Josh.
    I came across this amazing post of yours. Then I read the comments.
    I don’t often read blogs, and I certainly never comment, but I feel the need to reach out to you.
    History repeats itself. When the nazis mercilessly slaughtered six million Jews, as you write Josh, there were many good people who resisted. Yet, the “world” at large, just stood by and watched. America, Canada, Europe, and certainly our Arab cousins, who although they did not yet have the Palestian “oppression” to blame – since the state of Israel was yet to be formed and the “Palestenian nation” was not even dreamed of – did all in their power to “assist” the murderous plans of the nazis. Today as well, when more than 1,000 men, women and babies were mercilessly butchered in the most barbaric manner, the world stands by, and many even applaud.
    We have been around from the beginning of time, and we will continue until the end of time. Long after Hamas and their supporters, join Hitler and Stalin, Haman & Nebuchadnezzar, we will still continue to be around. And it is for the sin of refusing to dissapear, that the world cannot forgive us.
    So Josh, I want to tell you one thing. Don’t allow the comments or lack thereof to affect your morale. As Jews, we must embrace our friends and apprecate their courage. At the same time, when the crucial moment arrives, the ones who will stick out their very necks for you are your Jewish brothers. I do not know you Josh, and we never met. Yet, if it were to come to it I would gladly give up my life for you without batting an eyelash. Just look at what is happening in the Land of Israel. In the midst of the holiday, eighteen year old young boys left their fathers and mothers, twenty-five year old young men left their young wives and babies (yes, these are the “brutal” soldiers of the IDF of the media). They put their lives on the line and unfortunately some of them lost their lives. Why? To protect their brothers and sisters whom they had never before seen or even heard of. Yes. This selfless brotherly love is another ” sin” for which the world cannot forgive us.
    So Josh, do not become dispontent. Be strong and proud. Am Yisrael Chai! I love you, my brother!


  14. menotcaring October 19, 2023 / 10:33 am

    oh look More propaganda from AIPAC.


    • Adam November 3, 2023 / 12:32 am

      How dare someone be pissed at their friends during an existential crisis in which a not insignificant portion of the population is whipping itself into an antisemitic frenzy! Nothing bad has ever happened in the past when that happens

      Go rip down some posters and yell at someone that it’s not real


  15. Bill Paterson October 19, 2023 / 11:14 am

    I have supported Israel since understanding how Britain behaved after the second world war. Particularly in respect of Jews trying to get to Israel and the camps in Cyprus. Britain hiding behind the Palestine Mandate and abstaining in UN on the vote to create Israel. Not really related to above but married my Jewish wife in 1985


  16. Deborah Simone October 19, 2023 / 12:49 pm

    I wrote an email just like this last night. One of my questions was whether or not I was the only person feeling these things. And here you are this morning. Thankyou


  17. Anonymouse October 19, 2023 / 1:13 pm

    Thank you so much for this! I’ve spent my life asking myself here and there ‘Who would hide me?’ And the answer has always been ‘Maybe one or two friends at best.’ Yet I continue to be ‘friends’ with the ones who wouldn’t think twice about turning their back on me.

    I wrote a similar article to yours earlier in the week that you might be interested in: https://anonym0use.substack.com/p/from-a-jew-an-open-letter-to-so-called-friends


  18. BARBARA QUERRY October 19, 2023 / 3:20 pm



  19. gmarman October 19, 2023 / 3:57 pm

    Thank you Josh, you did a great job capturing how I feel. I don’t like feeling this way but it is in my Jewish blood to always question “would they or wouldn’t they hide me in another holocaust”. I wish it were not this way but trust is a hard thing to regain once lost. And for thousands of years Jews have been persecuted so trust in others is not something I assume. And to those who say (as in one of the comments to your post) that Hamas is simply responding to their persecutors by killing Jews and taking them hostage, well then, you simply justify any and all action taken by Israel and Jews everywhere that have been persecuted for centuries by just about everyone. Don’t get me wrong – I don’t agree with you and I believe that the leaders of Israel have made mistakes – don’t we all. But Hamas did more than make a mistake – they are terrorists that care more about the complete destruction of Israel and all Jews than they do about their own people and themselves. Israelis and Jews are tough but I have yet to know any Jew that is not willing to negotiate and make peace with reasonable people. I am not religious but I have alway found the Jewish mindset is to live and let live. Jews don’t desire the destruction of anyone – they just want to have the right to also live on this small planet along with every other culture, race and person. So much false crap is spread around about Jews by fear based people. How many other cultures can claim that they don’t desire making everyone in their own image?

    I stand with my fellow Jews, Palestinians, Blacks (yes I capitalize the B out of respect), Ukranians, Armenians, … you get the idea… all humans that stand up for the rights of all of us to exist, live together peacefully and respect one another culturally.


  20. Sorrelle October 19, 2023 / 5:06 pm

    Jordan, I’m very proud of you. When I started high school, Amundsen, in 1957, I really learned what antisemitism is!! When I told them (he/she) I am Jewish, the response was always, “Well, you’re different!!!” yThank you for standing up for Jewish people everywhere!! It COULD HAPPEN AGAIN!! Always be true to yourself. Xxx


  21. PC October 19, 2023 / 7:26 pm

    Replace Jew with Gay and 95% of this is exactly the same.


    • Ike October 22, 2023 / 12:42 pm

      Ah yes. The Gays live in fear because of the Gay Holocaust, and the Gayish State was just attacked by a terrorist organization where Gayish children were slaughtered. The world doesn’t revolve around you hombre.


      • Catherine Logos October 23, 2023 / 4:42 pm

        Congratulations on winning the “we’re the only real victims” contest, and for asserting your belief that the world does, in fact, revolve around Jewish people and Israel.


  22. Karen Hofmann October 19, 2023 / 8:18 pm

    You have been reading my mind…. K


  23. Gerrit Nienhausen October 20, 2023 / 7:46 am

    Thanks for this wake up call. It really touched me.


  24. Malinda October 20, 2023 / 2:48 pm

    Is it possible to support the Jewish people being murdered and suffering in a horrible war, while criticizing Israeli leadership (Netanyahu) who encouraged his people to steal and take over the homes of Palestinians and makes no effort to find a pathway to peace? Is it possible to support Palestinians whose lands have been stolen and are suffering because they have been cut off from basic supplies for decades, while condemning the terrorist group Hamas for the horrible atrocities they are committing against Jewish civilians? Things are not black and white in this conflict. We don’t know what to say! Whatever we say is the wrong thing. I want peace for innocent people caught up in this horrible mess, including my Muslim and Jewish friends seeing this horror from afar and fearing for their safety.

    Liked by 1 person

    • core15760670a550 October 21, 2023 / 11:29 am

      If you truly want to advance the cause for a Palestinian state, you need to separate yourself from these terrorist atrocities. I wish pro-Palestinians said something like: “we believe strongly in a Palestinian state but this is not how we get there. These terrorist actions are deplorable. These terrorists do not represent who the Palestinian people are”


  25. Becky October 20, 2023 / 5:27 pm

    Thank you for this post. Thank you so so much.


  26. lakeerieartists October 20, 2023 / 9:21 pm

    Hi Josh! This is so poignant. Better than I could’ve done myself. Thank you. I have also found more out about myself in these recent days.


  27. Jim Austin October 22, 2023 / 1:34 pm

    Those who took public stands supporting Jews and disapproving antisemitism may themselves have to go int hiding should antisemites attain power to implement their genocidal agenda.

    I’ve watched the miniseries, “A Small Light,” about Miep Gies who helped hide Anne Frank’s family and others in Amsterdam during World War II. She was not portrayed as particularly political or as one who expressed political opinions prior to her decision to help Jews hide from the Nazis.

    .Jews, together with their open supporters, may will have to seek help for the previously apolitical types not known to take stands.


  28. Theo October 23, 2023 / 9:09 pm

    Mate, the holocaust was and is unparalleled in its obscenity. Half my family is Jewish and I spent a lot of time as a child trying and failing to understand how humans could do those things to humans in such a scale with such calculation. The 7th October attack is not an atrocity on this level. It was brutal, cruel and evil but it joins a long list of brutal, cruel and evil acts committed by humans. That list also includes the current treatment of the innocent people of Gaza by the Israeli army and it’s far right settler government. The number of children – CHILDREN – killed in Gaza since the 7th exceeds the total number of people killed by Hamas on that day. That doesn’t make Hamas’s killing less evil but it does make me wish you would look beyond you and yours…

    Liked by 1 person

  29. סמדר בן טבו דה לאון October 24, 2023 / 9:52 am

    Thank you very much for what you wrote. I wondered about how it feels to be in the US or in Europe right now, and be a Jew. I must admit – what you described it harder than I though, but very understandable. My Daughter made a cartoon about it, saying that maybe we should go to planet Mars and build a Jewish colony there. But then she realized that a few yeasr later there will be a missile directed to Mars saying “#FreeMars”. So there is no escape really, but to fight back and stand on our basic right to exist, and hope the world will learn that our freedom to exist is their freedom.

    Liked by 1 person

  30. Sandy Nelson October 25, 2023 / 6:12 pm

    I find it interesting how many avoid dealing with the real issue within themselves by switching to Black Lives Matter.


  31. Thai Santos October 26, 2023 / 8:18 pm

    You wrote exactly how I feel. I can’t talk to certain people anymore, I don’t trust them anymore. I’m disappointed in a lot of people. Maybe they don’t even know it, but I will never see them with the same eyes again. What comforts me is that I have a family spread across the world, made up of millions of Jews, who understand me. We will always support each other. Am Y’israel Chai

    Liked by 1 person

  32. Zena Briggs October 28, 2023 / 2:56 am


    Loved it. I helps me to understand a lot.

    I am pretty sure that I would hide someone. I’ve stood up for many issues and will continue to do so. My concern is that if they know that you will stand up, that’s the first place that they’d look.

    Meanwhile, my son’s godfather is Jewish and he wrote this…..
    (I agree 100% by the way.)

    View at Medium.com

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Inner Musings October 28, 2023 / 12:08 pm

    I’m sorry for all that is happening but if you judge your friends for their social media posts, then you should really wonder if they are your friends. If you don’t feel safe with your group, you need a new one. Because true friends, and family, and I’m talking about your close circle, won’t need to prove anything to you through social media, because they would have already shown support in person, or on the phone. Your followers on social media are just that, social media followers. They are not people you want to depend on, you don’t know them. This is one of the things with social media – if you don’t post why didn’t you post, you’re not my friend blah blah blah. You SHOULD know your circle outside social media. I hope you and your loved ones are safe. Peace.


  34. Pingback: Dave's linkblog
  35. R November 3, 2023 / 11:40 am

    Maybe the depths of your intergenerational trauma is not a good place from which to think international politics.

    Maybe the idea that the state of Israel is self-same with Judaism and Jewish culture in general is at the root of nationalist antisemitism in the first place.

    Not everything is about you. Grow up.

    If the only way for Jewish people to be safe is to have a state of their own, you have either permanently and forever foreclosed on the possibility of Black or Native Americans to live in the United States, or you must be against the existence of the United States in the first place.

    If it is possible for democratic, multi-ethnic states to exist at all, then a multi-ethnic democracy in the Levant was always a possibility.


  36. gnatrap November 8, 2023 / 9:48 pm

    Thanks for this, we are entering another dark ages period.


  37. John Bernard November 10, 2023 / 6:07 pm

    Hi Josh,

    I am not Jewish, but I have several Jewish friends whom I cherish. The events of October 7, like the Holocaust, have deeper meaning to Jews than people like me can ever fully understand. I am grateful for your efforts to help me, to help us, at least begin to comprehend.

    I do support and will defend the Jewish community, Israel and my friends. And I will continue to educate myself and others, because I feel that ignorance is a silent enemy that the world’s idiots have weaponized. We’re in this together, sir, and I’ve got your back.


  38. USJew November 22, 2023 / 11:50 pm

    “Two Jews, three opinions” as my bubbe would say when we all got in the car. As another Jew, Josh, I have sadly found deeper connections and riffs within our Jewish communities. I personally wish Ashkenazi Jews were not at times hijacked by whiteness. There is a such a deep riff in Jewish communities — and I find it helps to ask myself, are the Jews here with me in my circle multi-ethnic or all white?

    From my experience, Israel’s michegas has left me at greater risk of rising anti-semitism than I was before. I fear some of my more zealous Zionist-at-all-costs siblings and their self-proclaimed-prominent-Jew-hating allies so much more than I fear my Palestinian students and families, my Jewish, Palestinian, and other non-Jewish co-organizers. Tikkun olum. Our liberation is bound together – and so much more intimately with our semitic siblings. I am sorry that the generational trauma we were brought up has led some to find the idea of speaking out against an unfolding genocide to be such a radical stance. It breaks the heart, indeed.


  39. Carlos Albuquerque December 4, 2023 / 10:32 am

    Best of luck. The pro-Hamas craziness just keeps escalating, and I’m too sick and tired to fight


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